Deadliest Tiger TV show


Long Time Member
I was lucky enough to get a promo piece on a new upcoming series, thought I'd let you guys in on it. Looks interesting.

"With Captain Phil not returning to the high seas anytime soon, Diskovary puts Tiger at the helm of The High Seas Mistress, a 120 foot crab hauler. So put on your raingear, batton down the hatches and enjoy this Black-Tai affair."

Good lord Feleno!!!! Toooo funny! I lurk quite a bit, but this one made me actually go to my e-mail and find my password to this circus just so I could reply!!!

"The Swedish Storm is rolling in and she's bringin trouble with her.".... Hilarious!!! :7 :7 Dude is definitly sleeping in the bed he made!

Thanks for the laugh on a CRAPPY Monday!! ;-)


LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-10 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-10 AT 06:08?PM (MST)

thanks gents... i even had to smirk after looking at. My wife just shook her head after finally catching the name of the show at a second glance :)
Dude your only problem is that one day you won't be able to top yourself.That is too too funny right there!!!
If the reports are true, old Tiger is during his time in a clinic. As the story goes, he will be required to disclose ALL of his "side work" to the group & his wife. I hear Penthouse Forum will be 1 of his new sponsors. Also, he must withstand 60 days of complete abstinence.
Love to get a pic of Tiger in his room with the shakes & his right hand tied off.
Wonder how the golf game is working out for him.
You guys should give Tiger a break.....he's got a problem and he needs help. I mean, how would you have dealt with his sex addiction? He did what anyone of us would've done.....lucky plick!!


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