Deadliest Catch


How many watched it last night? WOW - absolute bombs dropped. I can't see I didn't see it coming with Jake though. WOW. No wonder the old man had a stroke - that is just a lot of stress to have dropped on you all at once, the boat, the business, the hard living and then that. And now it makes you wonder how Jake is doing after all the stress and crap he went through this year. I hope it turns out well for him and Josh and all their family.

Looks like next week they will be taking Captain Phil off of the boat.

Getting serious now.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Great episode. Pretty exciting watching them navigate through that small window into the Bay.. How would you like to take a 25lb. ice chunk in the head from 25'. Poor Phil. No wonder the end came quick for him. Like captaining the boat isn't stressful enough.. Can't wait til next week..
Best show on all of TV . Looks like the other Jake is about to get some more bad news while out at sea. His dad is missing and they found his truck abandoned in the woods.

The only reality show worth watching.
Yeah, that was one of the best episodes ever. I hope that punk ass Jake feels terrible for being the straw that finally broke the old mans back! I always liked Josh better anyways. Jake on the Northwestern on the other hand, he is a good kid, and I feel for him. Here's to hoping his situation turns out better....

I've been noticing weird behavior from Jake for the past couple of episodes and was thinking to myself that it was like he had a drug problem.
I was wondering if the drug thing could have been a contributing factor to why Jake went all ape crap in Seattle right after his Dad died. He got a DUI (which was reduced to a lesser charge) arrested for fighting and possession of a controlled substance. I hear that he is straightened out now but had a really rough go of it for a while after "Pops" died.
Definitely the best show on tv! Well, that and Whale Wars! It is fun to watch those morons on Whale Wars get their stupid butts handed to them every week. I lost ALL respect for Bob Barker for giving them over $5 million to p!ss away.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>I was wondering if the drug
>thing could have been a
>contributing factor to why Jake
>went all ape crap in
>Seattle right after his Dad
>died. He got a
>DUI (which was reduced to
>a lesser charge) arrested for
>fighting and possession of a
>controlled substance. I hear
>that he is straightened out
>now but had a really
>rough go of it for
>a while after "Pops" died.
>Definitely the best show on tv!
> Well, that and Whale
>Wars! It is fun
>to watch those morons on
>Whale Wars get their stupid
>butts handed to them every
I lost ALL
>respect for Bob Barker for
>giving them over $5 million
>to p!ss away.

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

I love that! I'm waiting for the Whalers to replace the water hoses with .50 Machine guns, now that would make great TV!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-10 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]>I missed it what happened with

Phil called the crew in for a rest after a long haul and then he started feeling bad and decided he needed to go get his medicine. Went to his cabin to find Jake in there pilfering his pills. The scene was off camera but the audio was intense, Phil calling him a thief and a liar and being just pissed as hell. They get back to the wheel and Phil tells Jake that he is done with him and wants him out of his life, that he is a thief and a liar, then Jake tells Phil that he is an addict and the credits roll.

You couldn't script a TV show any better than that. Heart wrenching stuff.

And yeah PB - totally concur with the Whale Wars stuff too. Even my 9 year old daughter will watch it and say "What are those idots doing? Why are they so stupid?". What is going to happen is you will see the Japanese fleet being protected by Japanese war ships if they keep up the eco-terrorism like they are. I wouldn't be surprised at all if next season they are shadowed by a Japanese destroyer instead of a whaler.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yep the way he jake was acting..stepping in the crab tank slurred speach etc...I was thinking he was definately on some kind of opiate....

I think captain phil already knew about it though...Its easy for drug addicts and ex drug addicts to spot other addicts...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Whale Wars makes me sick....Eco-terrorist is all they are..I hope their boat sinks and they become whale shitt..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I watched the show on my DVR last night after i got in. Great show, and pretty odd when you already know the outcome for Cpt Phil..

Does anybody know if there is even going to be an episode next week?

Anybody catch that AFTER THE CATCH was on last night as well. I figured it was a past year one, but it was not. It was this years after the catch.... Those are not on until after the show is done. They were showing hightlights from this season, and they had an empty seat with Phil's picture at in during the round table.... (I did not watch the entire After the catch show, will watch it tonight) so did they explaine why it was on before all the episodes had aired?

Seemed werid to me, especially since we are left hanging so bad on the Jake and Jake situations..
There will definitely be an episode next week. They started airing the "After the Catch" series before the series wrapped up a couple of seasons ago. They try not to reveal too much about the future episodes too soon and this year they are talking about one boat per episode, so they started with the Time Bandit last night and talked about how the Hillstrands felt about Phil. I am sure they will bring on his boys when it comes time to talk about the Cornelia Marie.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Sounds like a bunch of clucking hens talking about the recent airing of All My Children and comparing to Days of our Life. Don't take much to entertain some of you boys. I am going to pilot a program of a pin hole camera in a single wide of a meth whore.
AyA - are you sure your mother and sisters agree with that?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>AyA - are you sure your
>mother and sisters agree with
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Comming from Roy, (always so nice and polite) I had to think about that for a minute.

My Gawd, now I can't quit laughing! ROFLMAO!!!

Definately a heart thumpin episode last night. Knowing Capt. Phil dies is bad enough, but seeing Jake quite possibly be what pushes him over was shocking. Poor kid will be screwed now.
Hope the other Jake's dad is found alive. Maybe his dad is just tripping out over his daughters death last year.
Never watched the whale wars. The commercials of the eco puzzies is enough to turn me away.
I'm an addict of Deadliest! I was floored too when Jake was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then was so not surprised to be hearing him beg and plead with all the excuses and promises-just like an addict. My heart just sank thinking about how crappy Capt Phil must have felt his last days. Seeing him in physical and now mental pain just sucks.

Watching he series knowing he is long gone makes you pay a lot more attention. Particularly when he is chewing both boys for not taking learning the boat seriously. It is almost like he knew what was coming.

Am I the only one thinking that hanging with the Hilstrands would be a friggin' laugh a minute? They would fit right in with all you reprobates, no doubt!

No doubt about the Hillstrands Lisa.....Those guys know how to live...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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