Deadliest Catch season premier


Long Time Member
Anyone catch it last night? Good opening show with some interesting events.... the captains argument, crew swap and sinking boat. I'm hooked again
I haven't seen it yet and I am jonesing pretty bad. I promised myself I wouldn't until I finished the stuff I am working in but it is on the DVR at home, I will be there alone for lunch... crap, I just KNOW I am going to strap that belt to my arm and find a vein... somebody help me!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yep watched it... and yes it was good for me, matter of fact it was good enough that I had to have a cigarette after the show was over..
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]Well Feleno I'm normally well prepared but last night was an unfortunate exception.. It just happened and it was one of those times when you say "what the hell" and you go for it.
Do you think less of me now?
Sometimes in the heat of the moment you don't take the precautions you should and the results can be disastrous, messy....and expensive. We've all done it and hopefully learned from it. Don't let next week be a repeat performance. I do think less of you but don't hold "it" against me.
OK - I have the belt around my bicep and the vein is bulging - just need someone to call me and stop me....

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
TOOO LATE!!!!! Coursing through my veins as we speak - what a freaking great rush!!!

Opening sequence gave me chills from the very first dedication to all those sacrificed to the sea - brought tears to my eyes and adrenaline to my heart.

Sorry - don't think any 12 step program would work for me now....

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I completely understand and always know that we are here for you buddy. Together we can get you through it.
We have all been there before..
I'm not ashamed to say "My name is Jim and I am a Deadliest Catch Junkie".. Go ahead and say it Roy.. It feels good knowing that you don't have to keep that secret any longer and that your surrounded by friends that care..
I admit it, I'm a junkie
I'm so weak....

OK so here - I'll say it.

Hi - my name is Roy and I am a Deadliest Catch junkie.

Awesome way to start the season, a good fight (Captain Keith is lucky the Hilstrand bro.s didn't open up a can on him!) the switching of the Jakes, Capting Phil pulls the first pot of the fleet and a ship goes down!

What a rush...

So how addicted am I then if I didn't erase it off the DVR and know I will go back and watch it again??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>I'm so weak....
>OK so here - I'll say
>Hi - my name is Roy
>and I am a Deadliest
>Catch junkie.

>What a rush...
>So how addicted am I then
>if I didn't erase it
>off the DVR and know
>I will go back and
>watch it again??

Well Roy I would say that your a full blown addict, be honest Roy.. You just couldn't bring yourself to erase the first episode of DC could you??? Am I right? Just the thought of not letting it go makes you weak doesn't it? I thought so.
Well the first step is admitting you have a problem and you did.

Many of the MM members may not be aware of this but Feleno has a dedicated phone line set up in his home and he provides counseling for the weak that have strayed off that path, for a nominal fee of course.
It's called "The Feleno House Foundation" He helped me see the light and other than an occasional slippery spot now and than I am fully recovered.

Feleno also provides counseling to women of easy virtue with sex addictions and he provides this service to the ladies for no charge as he knows how hard it is for them.

I think he should be commended on a job well done and for stepping up to help his fallen sisters and wayward brothers.

He excepts donations (cash only) and I will provide the address later to those that wish to contribute.
Yep, caugt it too. Definately a great episode. Great idea to switch the Jake's. Jake Harris was getting a little big for his britches, although I wish there were more Jake Andersons in the work force. Never have cared for Capt. Keith, would love to see Jonathon give him a beat down.
F-dude, off topic, but who was the studded chic from yesterday before it got nuked?
Caught it too, Its a big deal with Skippers on fishing boats trying to poach crewmen from other boats. Guys get pissed off in a hurry. Can't blame Jonathon from getting pissed if his crewman was actually telling the truth. Keith is kind of a knucklehead, layed some of his pots on top of Phils last year.
Here's a few pictures of my sons and me fishing in Bristol Bay.





Captain Keith is a Doucher.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
what do you think the chances are that the "fight" was staged? it IS t.v. and that WOULD increase interest.

johnathon getting filmed going there, then as soon as keith gets up he calls him " cheap shot hilstrand" pretty catchy line to come up with so quik, and then the face to face "dont call my boat unless your sinkin'"( in a deep, mean voice) really catchy line. i dont know, i was kind of wondering if it wasn't a little played up for t.v.??

but - heck ya, love the show. keep it on auto rcord on DVR. i didn't realize capton phil died during the season. that outta be interesting. we'll see. i'll be watching
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 05:21PM (MST)[p]one more thought. so with the deck hand swap, AND phil dieing this season, that will mean his kid wont even be on his boat with his dad when he has his stroke right? that kinda stinks. looking back i'll bet they wish they wouldn't have swapped.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 05:26?PM (MST)

Killerbee - doesn't look like you have been in that many fights! Either that or you have and just got knocked around a little too much. There are some people who can think quickly too - and it really isn't that catchy. I hear my kids saying the same thing fighting over legos. ;-)

It was real - and the "cheap shot" he was referring to wasn't when he pushed him down, it was Jonathon telling Keith "and you almost killed your own brother" - he was saying "cheap shot" before he got pushed.

I don't think Captain Keith would agree to looking that much like a little beotch just for the show's sake.
Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
They switched Jakes for the King crab season which is usually in October. Phil Harris had his stroke in January during the Opilio crab season. So theres a good chance both of his boys were with him.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]Shedfinder, I was going to say the same thing. He had his stroke as they were offloading in St Paul on the Pribilof Islands during Opilio season. Good chance his boys were both with him when it happened. It's too bad, I'm gonna miss old Phil, He was the best skipper on the show IMO.
ROY: dont take it so personal, it was just a thought. he said "cheap shot hillstrand" ( or however his last name is spelled) NOT before the push, AFTER the push. watch it again. and pay attention this time.

leave it to a bible quoter.....

i believe it was a question , nothing more.
i'd be willing to bet a "monster muley" video, bought here in the MM store, that it was AFTER the push, when he stands back up and calls him" cheap shot hillstrand" ? you want to bet? probably not:)
First of all - I am not taking it personal, really don't care.

Second of all, don't really care.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 07:41AM (MST)[p]"Deadliest catch without the crabs, were almost out of gas, better call the Arabs" Boats and Ho's, Boats and Ho's!!

Just watched the video
My assumption:

Hillstrand was not sober

Keith hit the dirt

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