Dead wolves Picture.



Here is a pic of some of the first couple of wolves killed early this year in Wyoming. They of course are in the delisted area, but hey a dead wolf is a dead wolf. Hmmm they don't look big at all do they? I am sure they couldn't harm a elk.


Also I want to add that just last friday we were comming back from working late in the Island Park area, in Idaho and just after Last Chance we spotted 5 elk bust out of the timber running like hell. Then none to our surprise we saw two wolves in hot pursuit, imagine that elk being chased by wolves. I so wished it wouldn't have been near a highway or else there would have been some lead in the air chasing those wolves. Anyway have a good day and go smoke a wolf.
That picture has been posted here several times over the last couple of years.

LAST EDITED ON May-25-08 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]So I learned 3 things from your post.

1. You believe anything someone sends you in an email
2. Wolves will eat elk (and I thought that was debatable)
3. Given right circumstances you will poach

thanks man

I think your post has confused me.

You said-
#1 "You believe anything someone sends you in an email"

This i can understand, these wolves look a little photo shopped to me size wise.

#2 "Wolves will eat elk (and I thought that was debatable)"

Isn't this the main reason for reintroducing the wolves back into the Yellowstone ecosytem?

#3 "Given right circumstances you will poach"

I don't see where he mentioned he'd poach a wolf, he clearly stated too bad he was near a road when he saw the wolves, not too mention that wolves are no longer on a protected list outside of the park and can be hunted any time you'd like to hunt them.

"I don't see where he mentioned he'd poach a wolf, he clearly stated too bad he was near a road when he saw the wolves, not too mention that wolves are no longer on a protected list outside of the park and can be hunted any time you'd like to hunt them."

this was in Idaho, not Wyoming.

D13r I caught that also...wolfs are trophy game in Idaho and Montana, as well as the Yellowstone ecosystem...only outside the jellystone and Teton park systems are they year round targets...
Even in Canada you have to have a license...
WOW - once again IEI you have proven your point. Doesn't all that hatred for the wolves leave a somewhat bitter taste in your mouth though? I mean, you are so overzealous to show just how bad the big bad wolf is that you seem to be grasping at desperate straws here. There really isn't anyone on here who you are going to convince that wolves are hard on the elk and deer, I think we all agree on that to some extent.

I understand that you feel they are threatening your livelihood but your "kill them at all cost" attitude seems a little over the top for this crowd. If you really want to ruffle some feathers, maybe you should go to some of the wolf lover blogs. I don't think you are going to turn any one on here into a wolf poacher if they haven't already decided to do so. Given the opportunity I don't think there isn't one of us on here that wouldn't kill a wolf under legal circumstances. Your urging to do so whether legal or illegal is getting a little old.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 Roy. My thoughts exactly.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Roy is right. There are a lot of us on this site who'd kill a wolf if given the chance to do so....legally. I'd love to have a big wolf rug for my game room, but I have no intention of shooting one illegally to get it.

Whether you're poaching an elk, a bighorn or a wolf, a poacher is a poacher. And most of us despise the lowlife scumbags they are, just like any other criminal.
To compare a bighorn or an elk's trophy value to that of a non native canine species the hippies jammed down our throat is a little much. If I see someone poaching a game animal I'll make it my business to see they're punished, if I see them shoot a wolf I'll buy them a drink.

I don't care how or who kills wolves, they can use napomb or nerve gas for all I care. there is not one positive aspect of wolf reintroduction to the hunter and I'm not going to pretend there is. I'll grant you we may have to live with the wolves like it or not, but we don't have to appreciate them.
> I don't care how or
>who kills wolves, they can
>use napomb or nerve gas
>for all I care.
>there is not one positive
>aspect of wolf reintroduction to
>the hunter and I'm not
>going to pretend there is.
>I'll grant you we may
>have to live with the
>wolves like it or not,
>but we don't have to
>appreciate them.

WTF is napomb???
honestly how many people would just watch a wolf run down a bull elk or buck deer and just say Wow that it cool! if i saw one in my hunting area it would be Really Hard not to put an end to it with a boom!

im all for having them in the park but they have no place anywhere outside there! i hope every state comes through like wyoming. if we think our deer and elk herds suck now just wait til those k9s take over every state

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