Dead sheep

Killing a whole herd of sheep ought to cost you 10 years in the pokie! That is tragic. It is hard enough to grow that many sheep without them being mashed on the road. And as far as the sun in his eyes defense, well he would have to be smoking dope to use that excuse! I agree...some people!!!!
Hope he doesn't drive through school zones when the lights are flashing when the suns out.Eight sheep thats like running into a parked car probably was on the phone.That is a shame!!
Saw about the same thing with Antelope in Nov, this year in Wyoming on my White Tail hunt. 14 laying in the road and on the side. I drug the ones out of the road and contacted the ranch owner who called F&G and he killed 2 cripples. So 16 total, the ranch road is used by oil field truckers. I have pic's if someone will post for me.
The dead sheep covered 364 feet of roadway according to the report I read. I find it hard to believe this bozo couldn't get slowed down before killing as many animals as he did. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-10 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]>Saw about the same thing with
>Antelope in Nov, this year
>in Wyoming on my White
>Tail hunt. 14 laying in
>the road and on the
>side. I drug the ones
>out of the road and
>contacted the ranch owner who
>called F&G and he killed
>2 cripples. So 16 total,
>the ranch road is used
>by oil field truckers. I
>have pic's if someone will
>post for me.



There needs to be some serious monetary FnG fines when it's obviously blatant and reckless.
I was told by an insurance adjustor that if you hit as sheep in the flashing light area, then you pay fines up to 6G's per animal.

The sad difference is if these idiots crashed into a parking lot full of cadillacs, they'd pay for damages on each one. $$$ CHACHING $$$

The animals killed in the above photos aren't worth a damn unless they are poached. The ewes are pregnant and worth just as much as the trophy rams in my opinion. A poached trophy ram in Montana costs $30,000 a piece. Antelope aren't quite so much but still worth something. The herd of sheep that were ran into are in the same area that is getting hit by pneumonia. It will take years for that unit to bounce back and even longer if the FnG doesn't protect them a little better.

Make blatant and wreckless drivers PAY!!!!!
Dont think this is true Zigga:

"The herd of sheep that were ran into are in the same area that is getting hit by pneumonia."

Pretty sure its 2 different herds, thankfully. The sheep were not hit in the Bitterroot or in the Bonner Herd, both of which are experiencing pneumonia die-offs.

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