Dead monster


Long Time Member
I will follow up in the next day or two with a full detail right-up in the adventure challenge section of the forums. Good luck to everyone out there.


Pray for Blood,

Awesome buck. I will look forward to reading your story in your "adventure" thread.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
What a whopper!!!!

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
Are you sure you're not going to do a write-up or are you actually going to right-up something on this hunt?
I am unsure what exactly your question is but I will do a write up about the hunt for the deer in the picture. Hopefully I can get it put together tomorrow.



"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Gotta be a Mexico Buck!

They don't make em that big in TARDville!:D


[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>Was this free range?

Yes. My chopper was in the shop so we couldn't use it for the hunt. And we waited at least six hours for the Ketamine to wear off after they kicked him out of the trailer. I actually shot a deer in a cemetery next to a city park before this one. I used the see-saw to rest my weapon on. Seemed like a good hit but after three minutes of looking for him amongst the head stones I ran into this guy and blasted him too. :D

Story should be approved soon and in the Adventure Challenge forums. I submitted yesterday. I don't know if it will answer all of your questions but it might answer some.
Beautiful buck. Plus, it was killed in Utah? I can't wait to read the story.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
how many bucks like this will be shot by diy hunters . and how many will shot say by big money hunters???? nice buck....
Congratulations Ben!

Awesome buck and hunt!

Couldn't be more happy for you - looking forward to seeing that bone in person!
"how many bucks like this will be shot by diy hunters . and how many will shot say by big money hunters???? nice buck...."

I haven't got an answer for you elkun. I know how I shot this one and it was one hellavu great time.
Great Buck and a even better answer. LOL
City bucks are pretty smart that why they stay in town. J/K

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
come on how much was the check????, did you pay by the inch or b.c.point??? its ok that's what hunting is turning in to, lets put the truth out so all young hunters can see what a truly big buck or bull will cost them...../? I am not bad mouthing any body ,its the way it is...and yes it is buck of a lifetime..good for you..

There was a time and a place when gentlemen did not ask such questions. I will leave my answer as this.

First, you are being rude.

Second, of course this hunt costs money. JUST LIKE YOUR HUNTS. Maybe this one cost more than your deer hunt, and maybe it didn't. It is a little sad that this seems to be most Importent to you.

Last , it was a real hunt. I could have killed other bucks and I had other opportunities. Other hunters could have killed this buck before me. There were other hunters in the area and we are pretty sure they knew about the deer.

Thank you to the rest of you for your kind compliments. I hope all of you spend a great amount of time this season chasing the game. The story of the deer hunt is now posted in the Adventure Challenge section of the forums.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-14 AT 06:54PM (MST)[p]Wow some pretty rude comments on a great buck.

Who cares what people pay and don't pay for hunts. We are outdoorsman and we enjoy doing it the way we like it. I think DIY hunts are great and I love it. Others that want to pay can do so.. Just like the spider bull. What did that guy pay? my answer is I really don't CARE.

Some states you have to pay to use a guide such as in a wilderness area.

Some people just worry about to much about other people.

If I was loaded with money im sure I would buy a governors tag and have a hay-day on that tag. But in the real world I don't have millions to spend and I enjoy hunting as a DIY hunter.. and I have to apply for tags just like most of us here.
Just wondering who will be doing the Taxidermy Work?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I don't know elk. My previous best muley was shot two years ago and I still haven't found time to mount him. I always seem too busy on other people's stuff. I am sure I will make something special for this one.
Congrats on one heck of a buck. Also to all you haters get off your butt and maybe you can kill a good one instead of just hating all the time on this website....
As stated on here before, life is so much easier when you quit worrying about making other peoples' values match your own.

Why is it that those who choose to pay for a guide, outfitter, better weapon, better optics, have a nicer rig, set up a better camp, or God forbid a buy a landowner or other special tag, just seem to always get ripped on here by someone. Jealousy and hatred are not great and enduring human qualities.
Amazing buck and congrats on the true trophy! Please be sure to post some pics when you find the time to do the taxi work!
Also congrats on the awesome antelope for you and your wife!
R paE: Dead monster

when you pay some one to show you the buck or bull ect to shoot. you are not the hunter just a shooter. their is a big difference .its not hate its pitty wh en you guys think your hunters,.,take the we out of that hunt what would you have got?? its a buck of a lifetime all right, but whos??/
RE: R paE: Dead monster

Elkun, you have no idea how much better and more fulfilled my life will be knowing I have your pity. I think I will purchase a giant frame around the words "elkun's pity". And then I will hang those framed words next to my lovely wall of death. Maybe I will put a copy of it in my wallet so when I feel lonely and sad this weekend as I guide antelope hunts I can pull it out and remind myself how much Elkun cares about me.

All bull aside Elkun, go hunting anyway you want. I am glad you will have more fun than I do because you are better than me. Quit wasting your valuable pity on "shooters" like me. But as you stare through the glass remember there is one less big deer for you to find.

Thank you everyone else for your kind words. When I get him mounted I will try and post some pics. I would like to state again my thanks to Bowdy and Gunner.i doubt this would have been possible without their help. I can't wait for Texas muley season to open. Good luck to y'all.
RE: R paE: Dead monster

Hey Tristate!

I don't Think TOPGUN is taking the Bait?:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
RE: R paE: Dead monster

Aw heck, assassin. Ol' Topgun is probably out hunting and that's a good thing. He'll get service one day and start sending me his weekly quota of PM hate.

What's your next hunt?
RE: R paE: Dead monster

hang the check on your wall .so people know how great of a hunter you are, and carry a copy in your wallet so on your next hut you can show the guys your the man"
RE: R paE: Dead monster

It appears that elkun is one of Obummholes socialist cronies. Doesn't believe in Capitalism and believes in the redistribution of wealth.
RE: R paE: Dead monster

That is one dandy buck. I am sure it will rank right up there among top bucks killed in Utah this year. Congratulations on a beauty! It would take some doing to top that one!
RE: R paE: Dead monster

LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-14 AT 09:47AM (MST)[p]Elkun- Your acting like a JackA$$...
Do you do your own mechanic work?? How bout pulling your own teeth?? If not your not a real man...
Holy Crap, I've never paid for a guide, but I'm not against it, especially if I draw a coveted tag far from home.

Congrats on a great buck. Nicely done
RE: R paE: Dead monster

Elkun, you have missed the point completely. I don't hunt so other people think I am a great hunter. I hunt to play the game. That is my satisfaction. What you think about my hunt and your constant fear of inadequacy never crosses my mind when I am outdoors or indoors either. I hunt for me, not you. Do yourself a favor. Next time you get to go hunting do it for you and don't worry about what the rest of us think about your image, because we don't think about you at all.
RE: R paE: Dead monster

That's a stud buck, great write up in your adventure post. You're having a great year!!!

Such a negative jealous clown. Kinda sad to live in such a terrible world. If you shoot a big buck this year I hope you give the credit to SFW and Don Peay for cutting so many tags, enabling you to be the shooter of such a buck. Without these efforts it would not have been possible.
The rude comments regarding this buck shouldn't be surprising... After that fiasco last season with a blindfolded buck being delivered to the 'hunter', anything with Wade Lemon Hunting is going to get ridiculed.

I don't know how anyone dared to book hunts with him this year after that scandal, except for those 'sportsman' who don't mind that type of 'hunting'...

Apparently that is Tristate.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Just read all the posts and I agree, elkun is being a jerk. You don't need to be that way! Just say nothing and pat yourself on the back for being better than all others and let people enjoy their moment of success. Ridiculous!!
The buck is great. Good for you tristate.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
browning rage.carefull you start something about wade, not only will you get called a jerk you might get both of us kicked off??
Great buck Tri, that is a monster for sure!
I rarely agree with you but the comments are stupid on this thread.
I don't use guides (unless required by law) but understand it is what others choose, we are all hunters with simply different opinions, desires and goals.
Again, great buck that any hunter dreams about simply seeing, let alone tagging!
Takes some guts to pass up that buck you described.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
So going under the idea if you hunt with a outfitter you are just a shooter and not a hunter, Just think all those guys who HAVE hire a outfitter in Wyoming to hunt in the wilderness.
All that hard work it takes getting back in there and you are still just a shooter and the guy who drive around the mountain in his pickup truck and whacks one from the window of his truck is the hunter because he did it on his own...... LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Yeah Gator, i agree. Many here have a hard time with anything done different than they do it.

Hell-of-a-buck! Congrats Tri!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Look at the size of the head on that sucker! Talk about a melon!

Helluva a buck too.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
No really, that thing is a frickin jack-o-lantern. I can't stop looking at it.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-14 AT 03:17AM (MST)[p]Tristate. It doesn't matter whether you did it paid or DIY. someone's going to throw a public temper tantrum and curse you because someone "more deserving" in their mind didn't get it! There will always be Certain People ready to cut your throat over the dumbest crap. You want to see the true character of a person come out, shoot a big deer or find a lot of shed bone!
Ignore the naysayers. It's an awesome buck. No laws were broken so there's nothing to be ashamed of. You shot a buck that many of us will only get to dream of shooting. Congratulations to you.
First off, CONGRATS TRISTATE!That buck is what dream are made of....Wade has turned into a great hunter, I remember reading stories with him as a guide as a young boy, taking dogs to Africa and now he runs a great outfit putting some real nice animals on the ground....Id love to hunt with him ,so congrats to that guy as well....
About half way down the bs comments start, and its to be expected anymore, jealous will be jealous , and some of these comments , well Ron White said it best, ya can't fix stupid!
Again congrats on a great mule deer, thanks for sharing it here on Monster Muleys,and even if it never happens for me, I can dream of drawing back or steadying crosshairs on a mammoth son of a gun like this buck!!!RIO...

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