DCUP was a blast in Montana!!!


Long Time Member
Some of you said that d and I wouldn't hit it off and boy were you ever wrong. We were mostly inseparable at the wedding just bsing and having fun. He disappeared on me and I found him at the Blue Oyster down town as a bunch of guys were leaving at 2am. So I wiped him down, put some clothes on him and took this picture. For the entire next day he said his arse hurt. I told him not to fall down drinking anymore and that might not happen. Thanks for the good time and call me you dork.


A couple guys by the name of Moose and Rocko came by your room after you left wanting to give you some money so I gave them your address to send it to.

What a party, thanks dude!

My new BFF.

If you had had the hair to give me your number like I asked....you might have been able to live your fantasy...dork.

Jef; we know that Ziggy did not meet you. The simple reason is that he is typing his fantasy on here. Kind of hard to type if he met you and had his fingers broken and shoved up in the area the sun does not shine.
If he had met you, we would have to refer to him as the fourth monkey that types no evil.

>If you had had the hair
>to give me your number
>like I asked....you might have
>been able to live your

"f**k I hope it ain't the same wedding....
where are you??...I'm leaving early tuesday the 20th"

Where exactly in this sentence did you ask for my number? You did also mention that you wanted to kick some "since" into me. We were at Seeley at the Double Arrow. I was looking forward to meeting your azz so call me next time you are in Western Montana. That goes for you too RELH.

I'm not a bad guy, just not as narrow minded as some of you. Don't hate me for it.
Zigga said......

"So I wiped him down, put some clothes on him and took this picture. For the entire next day he said his arse hurt. I told him not to fall down drinking anymore and that might not happen. Thanks for the good time and call me you dork."

So your a homo.....That explains your liberal political views.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Got love it and the next time your around here I will love to meet ya,You had a chance to pony up with him and you LET it slide by, I WONDER WHY. It shows that you do have some smarts.

I couldn't help but think of that Youtube video of that black young man getting his ass hand to him by that old guy on the bus. Then tell him after getting beat down by the old guy, next time I'm kicking your ass. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Got love it and the next
>time your around here I
>will love to meet ya,You
>had a chance to pony
>up with him and you
>LET it slide by, I
>WONDER WHY. It shows that
>you do have some smarts.
>I couldn't help but think of
>that Youtube video of that
>black young man getting his
>ass hand to him by
>that old guy on the
>bus. Then tell him after
>getting beat down by the
>old guy, next time I'm
>kicking your ass. LOL
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

Comprehension is not your bag.
>next time you are in
>Western Montana. That goes
>for you too RELH.

I have family in western Montana. Where you
at? I'll be glad to meet you... and make it western.
I will buy ya disneyland tickets if you stop and say Hi.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-10 AT 10:18PM (MST)[p]your full of chit ziggy...your just a puss, aint no hiding it. and you just look foolish for trying.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 05:43AM (MST)[p]your full of chit ziggy...your just
>a puss, aint no hiding
>it. and you just look
>foolish for trying.

Umm, yeah and yer stoopid.

There's a lot of tuff gize on here, but that's the internet for ya.

You guys just can't stay away can you?

>>next time you are in
>>Western Montana. That goes
>>for you too RELH.
>I have family in western Montana.
>Where you
>at? I'll be glad to meet
>you... and make it western.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come all the way up to Montana just to get your azz kicked right before hunting season??
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 08:10AM (MST)[p]ran and hid like a little biotch you are when he was there...I'm sure its just a coincidence that your here now, acting all tuff...knowing he's home now. I'm sure there's people even more worthless than you, but I cant think of any..
>>>next time you are in
>>>Western Montana. That goes
>>>for you too RELH.
>>I have family in western Montana.
>>Where you
>>at? I'll be glad to meet
>>you... and make it western.
>Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come
>all the way up to
>Montana just to get your
>azz kicked right before hunting

Wouldn't it though? But it'd be my word against yours. Only you and I would know the truth. I think you can already see how well that's workin out for ya.

Oh, and I don't hate you for being so open minded. I just hate cuz you're a lyin piece of crap. Speaking of, how's that barn project going?
>AT 08:10?AM (MST)

>ran and hid like a little
>biotch you are when he
>was there...I'm sure its just
>a coincidence that your here
>now, acting all tuff...knowing he's
>home now. I'm sure there's
>people even more worthless than
>you, but I cant think
>of any..

WOW! Comprehension is not your bag either.

Nobody ran and nobody hid and nobody asked for nobody's phone number. D was north of me so it would have been out of his way to visit. From his post he wasn't excited to see me anyway but I won't take that personally. I posted several days before the event to cross paths with him and he must have been on the road and unable to read it and he never gave me his phone number.

Did I dumm it down enuff four ya??

What's with the backwoods, inbred, verbal and abusive threats from you rwj's? Showing your true colors obviously. I apologize for having a sense of humor but you nutcases need to let me know why you're so hostile toward me. (not that I truly care but it's damn funny) Is it because of all the nonsense I don't buy on the political forum?? Really?? WOW!! again. Please explain....if you can.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]>>>>next time you are in
>>>>Western Montana. That goes
>>>>for you too RELH.
>>>I have family in western Montana.
>>>Where you
>>>at? I'll be glad to meet
>>>you... and make it western.
>>Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come
>>all the way up to
>>Montana just to get your
>>azz kicked right before hunting
>Wouldn't it though? But it'd be
>my word against yours. Only
>you and I would know
>the truth. I think you
>can already see how well
>that's workin out for ya.
>Oh, and I don't hate you
>for being so open minded.
>I just hate cuz you're
>a lyin piece of crap.
>Speaking of, how's that barn
>project going?

Lyin piece of crap?? Please explain.

Sorry, I get it now. You think I'm lyin (sp) because I actually didn't meet up with d. Well, you're right sherlock. How did you crack the case wide open? Is it because I used names from movies like the Blue Oyster from Police Academy and Moose and Rocko from Caddyshack. Damn you're good.

Guilty as charged genius. What's the penalty for my lyin?
Oh ziggy, you're too funny. Your pitiful life is penalty enough. By the way I really don't hate you. You're not worth hating. I don't know where you got the idea I wanted anybody to get their ass kicked anyway. I wanted to hit the Blue Oyster with you. So next time I'm up there I'd like to meet you, you know, maybe at recess or something.
>Oh ziggy, you're too funny. Your
>pitiful life is penalty enough.
>By the way I really
>don't hate you. You're not
>worth hating. I don't know
>where you got the idea
>I wanted anybody to get
>their ass kicked anyway. I
>wanted to hit the Blue
>Oyster with you. So next
>time I'm up there I'd
>like to meet you, you
>know, maybe at recess or

I think you are the one that wanted to make it "western". It's been years since grade school so I'm trying to combine the thought of that and the Blue Oyster. Not coming up with anything, sorry. Maybe you should kill the urge to keep replying to my threads.

Can we get to 100?

Post again please. This is fun when I know you guys can't resist my threads. I'm trying to imagine the man hours of sleep lost in the last couple nights after reading this thread. It must be in the hundreds.
Sorry to burst your bubble Ziggy, but quiet a few of us are sitting here and laughing our butts off on your juvenile antics.
Are you that insecure coupled with a small man syndrom that you have to resort to tactics like this just to get anyone to notice you are around?

If you are not aware of it, there is help for persons with your insecurity if you are willing to admit to having a problem and seeking the right mental help.

Juvenile antics? You mean like this?

"Kind of hard to type if he met you and had his fingers broken and shoved up in the area the sun does not shine.
If he had met you, we would have to refer to him as the fourth monkey that types no evil."

Keep going.
Gee squiggy, I'm known in these parts as a pretty nice guy. I think you'd be disappointed. It'd be way more fun for you to meet RELH. Be sure and get some video.

And how is that barn restoration coming along? Now that was a fun thread.
Ziggy old boy, there is 22 posts in this bashing you started. You are the one that posted 9 times. Now in that simple mind of yours, please tell us who has lost the most man hours in replying to your banner about nothing!!!!

>Ziggy old boy, there is 22
>posts in this bashing you
>started. You are the one
>that posted 9 times. Now
>in that simple mind of
>yours, please tell us who
>has lost the most man
>hours in replying to your
>banner about nothing!!!!

This is 24!

COME ON 100!!!!!!

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