Daytona 500

kurt busch....

Smoke had some practice winning today....I gotta go with him again tomorrow!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I will say Kurt Busche only because of how well he qualified and won the duels. He's really running strong. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Jamie McMurry up there too. A long as Jeff "pretty boy" Gordon doesn't finish I will be happy. Will someone please put him into the wall.

It's always an adventure!!!
Anybody but Jimmy Johnson...can I get an Amen? I'd love to see Mark Martin the ole goat win. It's a tough choice for me since Rusty retired.
It's a SUCK-ASS Race Boys!

You've got to SUCK-UP to somebody to win this PUKE PLATE Race!

As long as somebody knocks Kyle Busch off the Track I don't really care who wins!
Wait just a f'n minute there boz!

Don't forget Rusty Wallace & Darrel Waltrip!
BOOGIDY BOOGIDY BOOGIDY.....Your all a bunch of dorks.....LOL. I heard some of the drivers took up a collection of funds and are bringing in Tanya Harding to take care of JJ.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
Whoever survives the demo derby will win it. If the Nationwide race is any indication the 500 is going to suck.

"Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints"
......has there ever been a crappy national anthem at a nascar race??.....I don't remember 1.

Hey scpaisley!

How'd you like Brad?:D

Of course it's gonna SUCK,it's a PUKE PLATE Race!

It's follow your Partner time Boys!

But don't try & pass your Partner!

Somebodies gonna get Hung,wait & see!

Notice any difference in the Entertainment between NASCAR & the FRICKEN Super Bowl?

Only scpaisley is gonna disagree!:D

National Anthem wasn't even screwed up!

Pull them Cinches Up Tight Boys & Girls & Cowboy-Up We about to go Racing!
+ a bunch on the Anthem and the entertainment! But I have nodded off twice in the first half....

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I don't have TV right now so I just flushed the toilet and poured a bag of M&M's into it... Bunch of different colors going round in a circle... same effect...LOL


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 02:40PM (MST)[p]I'd rather watch the nba allstar game than that crap. The last 2 laps might be good but 5 hours of this...seriously???

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Actually, pretty cool for the rookie! Can't even hit a bar to celebrate.

A whole new life starts today for Trevor Bayne!

I got no clue what Stewart did!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

Bayne took care of that Car & used his Head,and had some Luck,it takes more than Skill in a PUKE PLATE Race!
>I'd rather watch the nba allstar
>game than that crap. The
>last 2 laps might be
>good but 5 hours of
>Traditional >>>------->

Now that IS funny! You are calling a NASCAR race "crap" and prefering to watch NBA basketball? That concept is way lost on me!
Want to compare arrest records of the participants?
How about community services?
How about role model quality?
How about family bonds?
How about post event interviews?
I could go on for hours!

If NASCAR is "crap"....the NBA derogatory description isn't even in the English language!!!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Gonna go out on a limb and say that Bayne wins. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Dickman...I hate the NBA, I won't and don't watch it. I was making the point that watching 5 hrs of racing is crazy! The last few laps are all you need.

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Got some new found respect for Carl. I was sure he was going to spin that kid at the end. Way to go Kid!

So is NASCAR the only sport on the planet that doesn't have even one token black dude or what?


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I'm sure if Carl coulda got to his bumper he woulda made him fly like a kite!

I thought the same thing watching it live and then a saw the replay a few times, Carl never got close enough to spin him.
I love racing but man those puke plate races sure suck. Get rid of the Puke plates and give them a narrower tire where they have to lift hitting the corners. Lets see who has the balls and skill to win not all about the car.

Phoenix is next week, let the real racing begin.
Great race at the end, But what the hell
was up with Tony's restart, he goes from
2nd to 13th, with Mark Martin behind him?

Congrats to Trevor though, he had an awesome
car all week!

Go Smoke! #14 !!!!!


Like over 67 lead changes,GEEZUS!

They can HANG you in a Hurry!

The Guy out front is like:Go ahead,Just try passin me!

I'm with TAG,let's make them use some driving Skill!


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