Days are gettin longer


Long Time Member
But not nearly fast enough,
please speed up ........

It's not enough gettin tired of all the MM aspiring political pundits.

But I cant get away from the belly deep snow.

When will spring come ?
BFE, you just gotta do what feleno your little shoes together, and with a lisp, thay there'ssss no time lithe thpring!

I certainly hope that some of that offends someone. then we could fight over something non political.

LMAO!!! nickman... I'll take the back then. It gets me to the same place....if you know what I mean!!

Even I can appreciate a picture like that! If she was drinking beer i'd be worried about her getting sand in her Schlitz
....bad taste in your mouth. Hahaha nice!
I have a skewed sense of humor and my words get me in trouble sometimes but I consider myself a cunning linguist.
You better be careful how you say things on this site....this thread just might get snatched!!

Snatched!! :9 Yeah gotta be careful what you say or someone will raise a stink

What happened to the pic of the lady on the beach? Is that the same lady that while trying to get a tan said to Michael Jackson "hey, get out of my son"....
Ok! I gotta think of something that ain't gunna get nuked in the 1st 30 seconds ... Hmmmmmm! How 'bout some PETA porn???


PETA has a brilliant marketing strategy. Here it is....Lets get our message that animals should be treated right by ....exploiting sexy young girls!!! Look at the demographic we'll reach by exploiting young girls. Males from the ages of 6 to 100!!! Frickin' BRILLIANT!! They are good people...


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