Day Pack?


Active Member
My Dad and I are getting fat and old and we have the badlands 2200 and a eberlestock just in one backpacks. We seem to fill it up with to much crap making it way to heavy for our old out of shape bodies to carry. Just wondering what is a good day pack to get were we can still haul some stuff but would be much lighter then the packs we now use. Thanks for any info. Don't need any comments about us using the same pack just get in shape. We are doing that as we speak.
Get the SuperDay by badlands. It makes a really nice day pack. Or try the Monster fanny pack. It is pretty good as well.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Get in shape, Keep the ones you have I have a 2200 Its a great pack. Try to pack smarter one day you might just wish you had the extra room.
They're good packs. Thin down the list and carry less. I took everything out of my pack and weighed them one day last fall. It was amazing how things added up. Cut 6 lbs out in one afternoon. A smaller spotter next year will help as well. With what you have, you can pack a fair amount out when you get something down rather than an extra trip to get a bigger pack.

I like my Hypervent as a day pack and without all the other stuff was able to pack out a deer in one load. It would save you a couple of pounds as well. I'm sure other makes and models would fit the bill too.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-11 AT 09:01PM (MST)[p]You already have good day packs. Your only going to save a pound or so with other packs. Just quit putting so much in them.
I really like the x2 if your going to change.
I have the Badlands Diablo and it's a great, light pack. I'm actually selling it if interested. It's in excellent condition, Max 1. I'm getting a bigger pack myself. Check it out on the Badlands website. I am happy with it and if I don't sell it its not going to bother me.
+1 for the Badlands Monster fanny pack. I love mine.

Will carry as much as you need, and more. The three point should straps are great for distributing the load even better, and not letting it ride down your hips.

New ones are even adaptable for a hydration bladder.
I use the Hypervent for a day pack as well.

Also learned to stop loading it like I was going to be out for 3-4 days and that made all the difference in the world.

As has already been said, this pack also allows you to pack out quite a bit (has a lightweight internal frame) and is comfortable to boot.

The nice thing about the Hypervent is how the frame keeps the pack away from your back so you don't sweat so bad, hence the name.

Nice pack! Check it out.

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