Day of torture =(



Well the d3 through 5 zone's opener was pushed back a week this year and of course some stormy weather os here today. Really itchy to get out there and have some fun. While I sneak out here and there during archery its when rifle season comes I take time off tot really get out and enjoy. So today we cleaned , placed some halloween stuff around house, cleaned the guns and read some Deer magazine's. Trying not to go crazy while I wait. Thought maybe share a few Cali pics from the past few seasons.





One more week!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-13 AT 02:16AM (MST)[p]You should be glad that our D3-5 season is pushed back a week this year. That means it'll be the latest closing date possible, November 3rd! Bucks should be rutting pretty good by then, at least they do where I hunt in D5. The only bad part about the late closing date this year is that I'll miss it as I'll be in Nevada for my elk hunt by then.

You should also be glad about all the rain we got today. That should minimize the fire danger a little for next weekend. It rained a lot where I live, east of Sacramento.
Caelknuts, I am happy about the late closure for sure. It was first thing I thought of when I saw the dates. 10-4 on the needed water, we really need it. Just whining about not be out there. Really looking forward to it for sure. Cali stand by d3 through 5 is all we have this year. None of us drew anything else. Good luck on your elk hunt. I saw an awesome elk checked in 3 days ago at my taxidermist in NV.
>AT 02:16?AM (MST)

>You should be glad that our
>D3-5 season is pushed back
>a week this year.
>That means it'll be the
>latest closing date possible, November
>3rd! Bucks should be
>rutting pretty good by then,
>at least they do where
>I hunt in D5.
>The only bad part about
>the late closing date this
>year is that I'll miss
>it as I'll be in
>Nevada for my elk hunt
>by then.
>You should also be glad about
>all the rain we got
>today. That should minimize
>the fire danger a little
>for next weekend. It
>rained a lot where I
>live, east of Sacramento.

Dan...are you going the first week of season? I will be just above your area the second week for Elk in 221-222E. Good luck and get a good one.

My fingers crossed for D 3-5 as well. Been hunting it for over 50 years and always in hunting camp for the opener! Taken some real good bucks over the years.
Health has slowed me down considerably, but the desire is still there and I still shoot straight.
Just to clarify nothing got pushed back its all how the calendar falls. It always opens the fourth Saturday in September. It's just later than normal cause the first was on a Sunday this year.

I almost wonder if anybody actually didn't pay attention and went this weekend that would have been a real bone head thing to do. I know I settled a few arguments between some who hadn't read the regs.

And this storm definitely did way more than I ever thought it would

I wonder how this weather helped those out in x12 this weekend?

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