David Garrard sucks

You're pretty good at understanding ratios.


"Merry Bleepin' Christmas"
Did I sense some sarcarsm there,
O.K. Juxtapose those numbers & you get the Jizzt.
Plus F'dude gets the Jizzt either way
Garrard is a God! i'd be watching out for lightning bolts from above!! Jizzt

"Plus F'dude gets the Jizzt either way" What i was going to say would get this post nuked but I'm a kinder, gentler Feleno now. Merry Christmas
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-08 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]LOL, young BEEFY....at you and the Jags!

"does the F dude have a man-crush on Gerrard?"
Edit-Reply #3 answers that!
Garrard is like the 4th best black quarterback in the NFL....just behind Vince Young!!! LOL!!


Vince Young
JaMarcus Russell
Tarvaris Jackson
Vick (does he count?)

i'm sure there are others but my man David is at the top

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