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I dont' know how many of you watched Dateline tonight about the Aaron Rahlston story but holy shi+. Unbelieveable will to live. That kid is amazing. I'm not sure that I could do what that kid did but you just don't know what you can really do until you're faced with a situation.

It's always an adventure!!!
Watched it Jim. Your right. I don't think I could do what he did. Hope he learned a valuable lesson and will tell people where he's going next time. Gotta give the kid credit though wow
I bet the stuff he recorded for his family was pretty bone chilling. It really blew my mind when they showed the stuff he carved into the wall where he was stuck. I can't imaging going back there 8 years later and seeing that. I think the movie will be great.

It's always an adventure!!!
Watched the whole thing. Very riveting. The whole ordeal is just unbelievable. What he had to do after the amputation just totally floored me. That 60ft rapel, without an arm and down 45 pounds from dehydration and then a 7 mile hike. That kid has got some real grit.
Cant imagine his state of mind. I seen the first Dateline on him right after it happened and it still made me want to puke this time around. To be able to snap not only one bone but then the other is what blows me away. I heard there are parts of his video he recorded will never be seen because his family wont allow it. Way to disturbing.
Got the will power of a Bull moose. He would win the toughest man alive award for sure.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I have talked to him twice. What an amazing young man. He was on the unit at st marys hospital wher my wife works. 3 days after he got their he was ready to go out! What he did was not smart but he has the fortitude to get threw anything
Tough dude... While trapping I have seen animals chew off their own body part for the sake of survival. I think in a life or death situation instinct plays in as does the will to survive. Not react and it would likely end in certain death; react and you create opportunity. Until in a situation such as his I doubt any of us could say with certainty what we would do. I am glad he survived to tell his story and I look forward to listening.

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