Darn, lost a hunting buddy this morning


Long Time Member
I got up early this morning so I could hook up the trailer and go pick up my bike. Decided I would take Micah since he loves riding so much. Anyway, as I was heading to the pen I called him...but no reply. I knew he was gone. Micah lived to be 8 and he had a very good life as a Husky. I figured we would run by Jack in the Box; a sourdough burger for me and he would get a plain burger with fries.

I remember his first hunting trip with us was in 02, just after we got him...he was maybe 8 months old. We were packing up and I had a small buck on the bed of my truck that I was cutting up so it would fit in the coolers. It was snowing pretty good. Anyway, I was cutting of scraps of meat for him and he would gobble them up as quick as I could toss them his way. Then I noticed he was taking the meat scraps around the corner, so I followed him. He wasn't eating all of them. I guess when his belly got full, he decided to save them for later. He would take a chunk of meat, sit it down, then root out a hole in the snow and bury it. I guess he thought he would be able to get to it later in the day.

Micah was getting older, I could see it in his eyes the last couple of years. So, this year, at the risk of insulting his Husky background, I put an IR heater in his doghouse. I didn't think he would use it since, in years past, he would often sleep in the snow. I guess he figured it was a good deal because this year he spent most of the nighttime hours inside where it was warm.

Last night when I fed him he was his same goofy self. We played for a few minutes, then I went inside to get dinner ready for my son and I.

This pic is of his first night with us.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Doc...I know your pain because my first dog was a SH and when I lost him from cancer on his 12 birthday it was hard on the wife and I for awhile. I have pictures here so will look for them and post later a pic when we got him and one of him later when he was older. In his prime not a cat was safe if it entered our yard, they could not outrun him. Had to dump a few neighbors cats late at night or really early in the morning to work to get rid of the evidence.

Here is my SH at age 2 months after we got him home from WA state.

This next one of him was when he was about 2 years old and he was always trying to steal food from the wife or I when we were not looking, just could not leave anything laying around that was edible.

Sure miss that dog been 26 years now since he passed away and still think of him when I see someone else with a Siberian Husky.

I had a chow mix. He was smart, loving, obideant, faithfull and onece saved my little girl from anothe dog. He turned 5 this year. My dad and I Were on a back country archery elk hunt this fall. I thought about taking him with me but didnt becaues I dont like tieing him up. About 4 days in to the hunt I called my wife on the sat phone. She had bad news. Charlie and my lab had goten out of the yard the night befor. he was hit by a car it shatered bolth of his shoulders. There was nothing the vet could do, he said he had been hit some time in the night and had hobbled arround for 8 hours or so. He even tryed to out run the dog catcher. He was the best damb dog I ever had. It ruind my year. Here are a few pix of my boy.



He was one of the family and is missed dearly. I feel for your loss.

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