Dark Knight. Seen it?


Long Time Member
Anyone seen the movie yet? Breaking all kinds of box office records, looks good but haven't made the time to see it yet. How was it?
Just your kind of movie, F-dude. Buff dudes everywhere!!!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
unlike Bessy wishing I was his Buttman...
I saw the Dark Knight it was a good flick!
It was pretty good. The new batmobile and the joker were the best parts. It could have been about 30 minutes shorter though.

Also, couldn't they have gotten a hotter chick to play the girl part?
Saw it in theatre and now have it on DVD, its good but way too long. Shoulda broken up the 2face plot into its own movie.

>Saw it in theatre and now
>have it on DVD, its
>good but way too long.
>Shoulda broken up the 2face
>plot into its own movie.

How do you have it on DVD???????
I agree. They could have gotten a waaaaaay hotter chick. Like the ones that got out of the helicopter at the party. This Joker is the best played character out of all the Batman movies.


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