Danny's Pronghorn story


OK, this ought to be fun after the way the last thread on Huntin Fool articles was treated. I posted some photos here on MM of my son's pronghorn that he shot in California last fall. The story of his hunt was just published in Huntin Fool. Page 86 of the current edition that includes California. I hope you all enjoy it.

Check out the buck another hunter shot opening morning. That was the very first pronghorn that fellow had ever killed in his life, and it scores well up on B&C.

I no longer subscribe to HF but it is top end mag for getting an article published.


Must be the JUNE ISSUE, don't have it yet.


I don't subscribe either but it's great that he made it in the magazine. What's the name of the thread that you posted the pics under?

Before I acknowledge I have 5 questions ... LOL
Congrat''s to Danny, nice article, but come on Danny and share some of the luck will you? Danny seems like a nice young man, met him on his deer hunt in Arizona, yeah, his dad is O.K. too!
Pines N Tines- Thats a good one!

1.) Why do you feel it necessary to fill the pocket of another with....blah, blah, blah!!

Great job Danny, just so I know did you
bait him in with apples
use a ground blind
use scent control
stay in a hotel

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