Danica 2009

She is one hot looking girl...........but I have ran across her at numerous events and parties and if your around her for more then ten minutes you will see what a royal ##### see really is.....But nothing that a muzzel wouldn't cure for at least a night or two!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-09 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]Yikes

I see the veins in those legs. Not good.

For gawd sakes, a tramp stamp too.
Good looking young woman...
Only I could never trust anything in a gal that doesn't support mighty cleavage as part of her natural attributes.
Call it a fixation! I call it wisdom. And warm happiness!
not much in the boobage department but she has a descent butt and flat stomach which is a major plus. I wouldnt kick her off the hood of my car
I sure wouldn't tolerate that b!tch laying all over my Cobra..

Sheesh.. The nerve of some women..
If she would just make the switch to NASCAR!


>>...not much in the boobage department <<

Anything more than a mouthful is wasted. :)

As an aside, Danica has a tattoo in the small of her back. I believe it's an American flag. In a still photo from the rear in SI, the tatt miraculously disappeared. Aaa, the wonders of Photoshop.


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Actually, that tramp stamp is kinda cool. It's an American flag that morphs into a checkered flag. Pretty appropriate for her.
lacking in the chesticle department....but that ass is phat son.

-The right way, the Barta way.

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