dang wiring sckematics



So after multiple times of a good stalk being blown I decides to try and fix the problem. I started fishing around my fuse box and following wires through the wiring harness to disable the stupid alarm that goes off when I open the truck door. I get to cutting the wires and can't find any good wire cutters. I get out the trusty knife and wouldn't you know it i slice through some extra wires. Well now it is all jacked up. I turn on my headlights the other night and my wiper blades start going to down. So i'm trying to isolate what is going to what. hit the horn and my washer fluid goes. Hit the washer fluid and i find i have it crossed to the horn. so i'm feeling good about the fix and try the lights again and the passenger airbag blows. scared the chit out of me. blows my chew bottle back and sprays the cab with used copenhagen nectar. back to the dealer.
You keep fricking around & you're gonna blow the widget arm off the maniform!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
So what happens when you mash down on the throttle?
Does it still smoke?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
are you in prineville, oregon???

............Waiting for the "road hunting is illegal" guys to chime in............

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
P.S. Read your owners manual. Most trucks have an easy way to turn that off. Haven't had the ring in mine since the day I got it.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
AyA...my only advice is you need to hire a mechanic!! Don't worry about hiring a good one either...any of em gotta be better than you :)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-10 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]I know what you mean by needing a quieter stalk AyA!

Couple of suggestions, first, hook all your electricity to a switch on the dash that you can just flip off an on at will. This will also reset that pesky "check engine light" every time too - only stooooopid people pay attention to that thing anyway and it never means anything other than the manufacturer is trying to get its rebate and incentive money back through repairs. So when you are rolling up on a buck, you can just flip off the switch and turn off all the electricity to your rig. Well, you should still run the headlights and spotlight independently though for obvious reasons.

Also, for a quieter stalk, you need to coat the outside of your truck with some berber carpet, the willows, junipers and greasewoods don't catch on it and it doesn't make that screeching sound that the greasewoods make on paint and metal.

Also, a buddy of mine got a device that changed his horn to an elk bugle, cow call, doe snort, and a buck grunt. Works like a charm and really cuts down on his bugle practice time. Works great too for in town and outrunning the cops. Whenever he jumps over a pond running from the cops or game warden he hits that elk bugle horn just like them Duke boys did with "Dixie" in the old General Lee. Cool as hell and really frustrating to those pesky LEO's. Only one little problem though he can't figure out exactly why but every 5th elk bugle comes out as "La Cucaracha" - he thinks it is just a bug and it will work itself out eventually. So far, it hasn't scared any elk away either, he has killed most of them before he has to bugle that 5th time and the one time it did go off, the elk got up on its hind legs and started prancing around like it was dancing around a hat, which made him think it was a queer bull so he passed on it, at least until it ran out in front of him a half mile or so later ane he clipped it with his front bumper. Must have been suicidal, hence the dancing.

Oh and don't worry about the Copenhagen spit on the upholstery, it really conditions the leather and I've been told the smell is quite the aphrodisiac for them rodeo chicks.

Just a couple things to consider.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-10 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]"So after multiple times of a good stalk being blown I decides to try and fix the problem. I started fishing around my fuse box and following wires through the wiring harness to disable the stupid alarm that goes off when I open the truck door."

I just put a piece of duct tape over the button that sticks out on the door jam. It also means the interior light also doesn't come on when the door is opened, but that's good for us road hunters too. After hunting season I take the tape off.

Screw the dealer, he won't tell me how to disable it.

I WILL be taking Roy's advise this season. LOL!


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