Dang knees!!


Long Time Member
Hey guys I wanna get some advice on something. On new years I messed up my left knee AGAIN, had an MRI and saw an ortho surgeon on thursday, and doc wants to do surgery this wednesday. I dislocated the kneecap and tore a couple tendons. I've had 5 knee surgeries in the past and really am not looking forward to a 6th...hell I'm only 26 years old!! The thing is it's actually feeling pretty good again finally and I don't really feel like it needs surgery as bad as they do. Hoyt is being cool saying I can have it done and miss work too but I had to take off almost 2 weeks already from the initial injury and don't want to miss any more work. I'm having a hard time stacking the pros and cons on the surgery. Shed hunting is coming up, spring is almost here, I wanna go kill a pig soon, it's just really going to limit what I can do the next few months. If you were in my shoes would you have the surgery or walk it off??

Man, I hate to hear that...especially at
your age. Sounds like a personal decision
you'll have to make.

I hate seeing injuries keep folks out of
the feild. Been there, it aint fun.

I'm far to ignorant to provide any advise,
but I dang sure wish ya the best. Let us know.

I'm 31 and don't fell so bad now! My knees have been giving me problems for the past few years, but I haven't had them cut on yet. I had them "injected" before the hunts this past year. I hope I can get by, but I think it is inevitable. Good luck...hopefully you get things squared around!
What was the mechanism of the initial injury and subsequent injuries? Either you have some real bad luck or you are tough on knees. Either way, too young for that many issues.
I agree, I thought I was rough on my joints. I've rolled both ankles half-a-dozen times each at least, tore up my right knee real bad in high school, haven't had surgery on any of it. I go to my chiropractor if my ankles act up too much, he simply realigns them, and the pain goes away. I did something to my knee, couldn't even bend it, hurt like a bugger to walk on, went to my chiropractor, he adjusted it, presto works like a dream. Might sound hooky-dookey but it's been working for me.

Of course the doctors want to do surgery, that's how they make money, then the med companies can get you loaded up on pain pills and rape you again, then they'll want you to go to re-hab to strengthen you knee, bingo, drilling you again for more money.....sorry to rant, sometimes I think the whole medical/insurance world is just a big scam.
I use to be on submarines in the Navy and being 6'3" on a sub isn't easy on the ole knees lol. I was constantly dislocating my kneecaps going up and down the ladders (there's no stairs in submarines) which kept tearing the lateral and patella tendons. Also I rode a lot of freestyle motocross in the past and have had some crashes there. Worst injury was opening weekend archery hunt in 2007, dragging my brother in laws buck down a steep sidehill I snapped my knee in half sideways pinning the buck between my right foot and right shoulder...talk bout some frickin pain!! lol that one felt like bad luck.

Thank God the VA covers all my surgeries, rehab, ect the rest of my life...if not I would be screwed!! It's honestly feeling a lot better though so I'm having a hard time with getting it opened back up and letting them hack away on it again ya know.

Listen to Lesgo 54, not only is it the off season you're way to young to let it go. I wish I took better care of my body when I was young, I'm 54 now and when I sidehill or go downhill my knees are in agony. For some reason when I climb hills they're fine. Don't be my age, (double yours) and wish you wern't always hurting. That's my $.02

Life member of: NRA
4 reconstructive knee surgeries later, and they still ain't worth a damn. I finally started hittin the gym religiously, and I havent't felt better in years. Strengthen ur quads and hammies. They are gonna hurt the rest of ur life surgery or not, I myself have vowed I will never go under the knife again!
I had my right ankle fused last December as I didn't take care of it when I was young, and it finally caught up with me. It is really awkward and I'm still trying to learn to walk on uneven ground after a year. It feels like I have a 3 ft 2x4 strapped to my foot whenever I get on a hill. I have had to change how I walk as there is no movement in my ankle now, and the small limp I have developed, has also made my left knee start to hurt when going up or down stairs.
I think if you can strengthen your legs and knee, then go for it, but if it does need surgery, get it done now and get it rehabbed before summer. No sense letting the pain and discomfort go on forever if you can get it fixed..
It is a tough decision..good luck !
Get it done now! Rick is right...if you wait it may take its toll in the long run. A couple of months recovery now beats the hell out of not being able to get out of the truck when you're 50! I have had 7 surgeries on one knee and 5 with a reconstruction on the other. I still ski, hunt the CO high country with a pack on and haul elk out on my back. Take care of it now! Best advice I can give you my friend.

It's always an adventure!!!
Ugh...ok ok you guys win, I'll get it done...crazy thing is I was seriously going to call them and cancel it tomorrow. I'm really not looking forward to having it done...it's going to suck for a minute lol.

Thank you all for your input and sharing your past experiences though, I appreciate you taking the time!!

Anyone know where a fella can get a set of camo dipped crutches?? ;-)

I would also get a second opinion before going under the knife, but I agree, get it done before the summer and re-hab like crazy. Building strength in the legs is probably the best form of preventive medicine for joints and muscle injuries.
I had one knee done and plantar fascitis in both feet. I stretch and exercise my legs every day to keep the pain away and it works great.
Holy Cow Jim!
You must like knives! That is a ton of work on your knees..
Sounds like you're lucky to still be able to do what you do..
You are my hero!!
Thank you all for the good advice, I agree completely on stretching and strengthening the muscles around the knees, also ice is my best friend!! I'm actually in excellent shape for how many times I've had them worked on but seems like I always end up over-doing it sooner or later and re-injure them. I hike as often as I can to keep the muscles as strong as possible since I have a hard time going to a gym on a regular basis, I think it helps but at times like now it may be hard to believe...

Anyways I talked to the surgeon at the VA today and we both decided since it's been feeling a lot better each day to re-evaluate it in a month and if they still feel it needs immediate attention ,then go from there, but give it some more time for the swelling to go down to get a better MRI.

Thanks again for the advice though, it's nice to get when I find myself unsure which route to go.

C'mon man...There's enough jokes about us submariners without you whining about your knees! I'm 6'4" and still see a chiropractor about my neck being bent over for 4 years. Seriously though, you should take your workouts to the next level unless you just love the knife. Good luck.
Wow, I thought i was bad with 3 knee surgeries already and I am 31, I am also looking at probably another knee surgery soon, can feel them both going out right now, i think if I were to loose some weight they would be better, I am 220 lbs and I need to be 180.
Two words - hospital food!

I would do it! Man they have some good jello!

In all seriousness, if it is feeling fine and the doc says wait, then wait, but if he still thinks you should have surgery I would do it now while you are young enough to recover quicker - you don't want to wait too long becuase the older you get the more it hurts. I am 36 and have never had any knee surgery but I can feel it coming on - for some old injuries I should have had taken care of back when I was "tough enough" to play through the pain.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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