Dang Kids!!


Long Time Member
I just took a handful of of trail mix and popped it in my mouth and guess what's missing? Yep....all of the M&M's! I hate when they do that! There's not much my kids do to bug me...but this is one of them. What else do your little ones do that bug you a little more than normal?

Mine don't really do anything that gets to me, except when they do not listen to their mom. They get attitude with us, but get put in check real quick. Beside that, there isnt too much they do to get to me. Oh, except when they say that we never do anything for them, when we do everything we can for them.
OH NO!! What are you going to do Whiz? I would lock them in a closet and dump a box of Cherrios on the floor and sweep them under the door to them! That will teach em:) Yes this is my attempt at sick humor, please do not do this to your kids!! At least give them a flashlight. Sorry its been a long week and its Friday!! by the way I dont know if this works since I dont have any kids, but it works on my wife every time!!LMFAO Maybe you should leave them at a gas station like F-er did?
You saw how young my kids are in the Christmas pic, I won't bore you with all the chit they do that bugs me right now! I try to be patient with them and just let them be kids!

My wife had to have some surgery a week ago today and has been down so I have been Mr.Mom all week, boy am I ever tired this week! I don't know how the wife does it day after day after day....
W.C. Fields was right on about kids:

They're too short and they never have any money.
...picking all the marshmellows out of the Lucky Charms used to bug me. But now that they're away at college, I miss those days.
when my 8 and 9 year olds find it nessisary to stand right in front of the tv while im watching a good show thank god for tivo or when they steal my computer and wont let me play on it
My kids know better than to do that. I had the same exact thing happen a month ago but it was my kids friends that did it. They picked out and ate all the M&Ms and left the raisins in a pile on an end table where half wound up on the floor! These are the same little bastages who start begging for food the second that they walk in the door or just walk up to the fridge or pantry and help themselves. In fact, most of my kids friends do the same every time they come over, even if the parents are standing right there. If I would have done that at that age my Dad would have whooped my butt, What the hell is wrong with kids today, no respect for other peoples stuff!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I hear you, PolarBear. My oldest daughter had a friend that would do that...just look in our cabinets or our fridge. I'm not the type to say anything upfront to them but I let my daughter know that it better not happen anymore. I told her, if anything, offer something to her so she doesn't open our cabints and it won't piss me off. Offer her the chit that I don't like!! HeHe

I'm on an extreme diet right now and my 3yr old little girl walked in my room the other day, climbed in my lap and looked up at me. The entire time she was holding an m&m blizzard. She said "Daddy, this sure is some good asscream, but you can't have any can you?" Then she went right on eating. That same night as I was making out with my wife at 11pm she walked into our room and Just stood there. She then walked over and had the nerve to ask me if she could sleep with us. If she wasn't my little princess I'd have to beat her. Instead I held her while she ate her "asscream" and later that night I took one for the team and put her in bed, on the wife side of course. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-10 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]Stinky that is funny! I had the boss over one night for dinner and Kole asked if he was the guy I keep calling a jackass... I couldnt get to him fast enough I seen it coming.. Good thing he has a sense of humor...
he's 3 btw..


Don't ya just love it when you have a glass of soda and you take a drink and realize that it has floaters and you know immediately that a little someone just helped themselves to your drink..
>They sucked all the chocolate off
>those peanuts you just scarfed
>down too. ;-)

Yes but they were thoughtful enough to put the peanuts back when they were done sucking all the chocolate off. I think that's pretty nice of them.
At one point the kids would sit down for a meal and they would lick their food so the other kids wouldn't take it.

Build the corral of cereal boxes and claim they are looking at me LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
They're 13 and 16 now but there's alot they used to do when they were little that bugged the snot out of me. And I'd give anything to go back to those days sometimes.Just hug 'em and enjoy the ride boys,they grow up way too soon....
+1 cbeard. Mine are 32, 31, 24, and 22. I miss empty cookie jars,mac & cheese dinners, popcorn scattered on the couch, melted candy or ice cream stains in the car upholstery (occasional yuch from motion sickness), gathering up tools, all the kid movies or cartoons on tv,a mud room full of boots, mittens, scarves, coats, etc. in winter, lots of bicycle repairs, pickin' em up from school/or going to school events- missed bus connections... I could go on forever...:)

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