Dang It, Lesson learned



Here is a experience that I figured I would share with ya, I had several paintball guns I have moved around from closet to closet for the last 3 or 4 years, I played paintball for a while but have become too old and don't get around as fast as I once was so I decided to finally get rid of them and listed them on Craigs List, I get a call from a guy who says he is interested in them and would like to see them, so we set up a time to meet at my second job, I work at sportsmans warehouse part time nights for my second job, He shows up last night to look at them and is very interested but doesn't have the money with him and says they are going to be a surprise for someone, Could I meet him this morning at all places Cabela's and he would give me a call early to when we would meet, Ok I was fine with that no poblem, Well the morning kinda came and went and didn't hear from him so I kinda chalked it off as a no show.

Then about noon he calls and asks if I could still meet with him and apoliges saying he had a busy morning, Then he asks if I would consider dropping my price which I told him I couldn't and that for what he was getting for the price was a heck of a bargain already, He agreed and I grabbed the guns and away I go to Cabela's to meet him, When I get there I park out in a part of the parking lot towards the north end where there were only a few cars around and waited for about 10 minutes and then called the guy and asked him if he was there yet, He said he was on his way and about 5 minutes away, Well I wait and wait and wait until finally he shows up after about 30 minutes, He has a kid with him this time, A Boy that looked to be about 12 years old, I break out the guns again and go through the whole procedure as I did last night at Sportsmans Warehouse, Well he was happy and said he would take them, He looked at the boy and said OK pay the man, The kid reached in his pocket and handed me a wad of money and the guy said he had been saving up for a while,I really didn't count the money I just kinda flipped through it noticed that there were a couple 100's, a 20, a couple of 5's and a bunch of ones, I stuck it in my pocket and gave them the guns and equipment, shook hands and the deal was done we went on our way, Well on the way home I pull into the bank to make a deposit, I fill out the deposit slip for 250.00 and hand it to the teller and Dang It it was 19.00 dollars short, LOL, I was taken by a 12 year old, AAAAAARRRGGGH, I hate it when that happens.
I learned a lesson I guess, I am not smarter than a 12 year old and Never trust a kid. LOL
Hey thats not a bad idea, But oh well, I'll just chalk it down as lesson learned, 60 years old and still learning I guess, LOL

Well if you knew it was for a kid would you have dropped the price? I would have and took a 20 dollar cut for a kid that saved up for a long time. There is alot of possibilties, maybe they just dont know how to count. I deal with money and sometimes you think you have a certain amount and end up short. Maybe he really took you for 19 dollars, maybe it was a simple mistake. Just thought i would offer my input.


has anyone seen my kittie
Actually I had already dropped the price from 300.00 to 250.00 and he was asking for me to drop it even more and I didn't know it was for a kid, The guy just told me originally it was for a surprise,when they showed up for the guns is when the kid was with him and when it came time to pay he looked at the kid and told him to pay me, If he would have told me up front that he was short 19.00 it would not have been a problem and I would have let it go anyways, From the start I really thought I was dealing with the dad until it was time to collect, you are correct though there could be a number of reasons why the money was short and I just chose not to pursue it even though I do still have his phone number.Next time I will count the money up front while they are there so they would have the oportunity to be more up front about it. Lesson learned


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