Dang it! I have to bow hunt again!


Active Member
After once again not drawing this season I am forced to Bow Hunt again this sesaon. I have been bow hunting for the last few years. I am thankful in a way not to have drawn a rifle tag for either elk or deer. I don't what everyone else's situation is but the only reason I even put in for rifle tags anymore is because some of the seasoned members in our party can't get out and walk like they used to and are in the last few years of thier hunting life. Most of them have no interest in archery anyway since they all been rifle hunters all thier lives. I'm sad for them not to be able to go this year but I am already getting excited about putting on my camo and seeing how close I can get to some game.

They may want to give it another shot at drawing rifle tags next year and I'll gladly give up my 7 preference points to rifle hunt cows with them after all I would rather spend time enjoying the old hunting stories they have and help them have an oppourtunity at what could be thier last animal, For this year though I'm off the hook and on the Bow.
ORsouthpaw, your a very HONORABLE MAN. I respect that and can believe your a great friend and companian. Here's hoping you have a great bow hunt in 07 and hopefully a couple rifle hunts to have in the next few years with your older partners.
"Forced" to bowhunt????????

Man, I hope I never feel "forced" to bowhunt. I look forward to it every time I "GET" to. You can always tag along with your friends and leave your bow at home.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-07 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-07 AT 11:55?PM (MST)

I never even thought about just tagging along with the group. After rifle hunting for what seems forever it just seems natural to have a rifle tag when the rest of the group does. I agree that bowhunting is privilege and love being close to the game, elk especially but there's just something about hunting camp with our group that would be missing if I was there and didn't plan on hunting, not that it's not possible but it would be really tuff especially after the first animal was taken. I'm really not a very good camp cook anyways.

As far as it being honerable giving up my 7 prefrence points to hunt with our experienced hunting partners, I don't know about that. I just see it as being one way to say thanks for the great memories and stories. I don't remember a single trip in which I didn't learn something from those guys. There's always room for one more story from my great uncle who's closing in on 80 years young. If I can help him get one more animal then I will be happy and it's 100% worth it. However, once they give the word that they're no longer rifle hunting then I'll be focused soley on bowhunting.

Good luck with your draws/hunts!

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