Dan Richards Keeps Job For Now

I wonder when Dan Richards time is up on the broard Jan. 2013, what bent wrist liberal will bent wrist Gov. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown will appoint to take his place.

Sounds like Jerry Brown needs to be flooded with e-mails in support of Richards, or one with similar beliefs and goals, for the direction of the Ca. Fish & Game.

Those commissioners were appointed, if i'm not mistaken, because of their overall varied interest, be it pro or con, towards the varied programs in general. I believe i even remember where a HSUSA member was appointed not too long ago. At the time, most could see that placement as unbelievable and seeds for the destruction of our outdoor heritage but our pleas went to def ears.

With enough support, this might be a cause that we can win and put off what seems to be the inevitable eventual end of "hunting" as we know it.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
From everything I've been reading, it sounds like the Board is being stacked with members who are not too hunter friendly, to put it bluntly!
It says his term ends January 2013. Between now and then he should book hunts for elephant, leopard, rhino, grizzly bear, wolf, and a Panda if he can find one.

What a joke.

I'm glad to see there were a few dozen hunters who showed up to the meeting to support Mr. Richards. Had hunters/fishermen showed up en mass, it might have sent a little stronger message, I don't know. I certainly hope the old addage is not true in this case: "As goes California, so goes the nation."

With so many issues facing hunters across the nation, especially here out west, it becomes more and more disheatening to view the future of our heritage. Though there are still a LOT of folks that don't hunt who really don't care if we do, that number is getting smaller and smaller by the year, mostly do to ignorance and the hyper emotional "environmentally friendly" propaganda being spewed by those groups who would see our hunting and fishing heritage simply go away.

As a group, hunters have never really enjoyed the solidification that the anti hunters have. We spend way too much time bickering and fighting amoungst ourselves, until it's too late and the wolf is already at the door, so to speak.

Sad state of affairs if you ask me....


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