Dan Cooper of Cooper Firearms supports Obama?

Records also indicate he donated $1000 to Obama in 2004 for his Senate run, well before Hitlery. I have not seen a search of donation records that shows the $ donated to McCain.
Hate to go against the flow here but i'm gonna. I 've never yet not done business with a man because of his religion or party affiliations. Not going to start now!

If his product is good, i need it, and it's the right price...who am i to say what's right or wrong in his beliefs?

I see some very nice people among those that have responded in bias to this "POLITICAL" thread, kind of surprising, but that too, is your right.

Glad to see you back JB, i missed your wit! was wondering though if while gone, you started some special med program? you ain't been the same bud!lol

YD. You make some good points! But this guy makes a fine gun. He can't be all that bad. Unless someone is carrying a flag around or obviously campaining their cause, i leave business to business and stick with the golden rule. That's me, again, not trying to change anybody.

Busy day, gotta run!
Ever hear of the second amendment? To me that is not a political issue but a fundamental right. I vote basically on that single issue. How can a gun maker read Obama and Biden's records on gun control and support them? No Varmintmaster in my stocking this year or any other.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-08 AT 09:17PM (MST)[p]Nobody here owns one because nobody here can afford one. It's pretty easy to write them off the ol stocking stuffer huh guys? LMAO! Great rifles and I will be glad to own one someday. Now if Savage Arms sided with Obama I would actually believe you guys. Does Walmart make guns you guys can afford? I'm such a deyeck.
Zigga is wrong again on his assumptions and made a A$$ of himself.
I had just requested the Cooper rifle brochures for consideration of buying a Cooper rifle. Then I read this about Dan Cooper, CEO of Cooper firarms concerning his support with contributions of money to Sen. Obama. After veiwing the records that do in fact show Cooper making about 10 contributions to Obama, I contacted my local firearms dealer and canceled my request. He asked why and I told him.
He was very upset and told me that he will now try to talk any of his customers out of buying a Cooper rifle, we have many rich farmers in our area that trade with my dealer, and refer them to Kimber rifles.
I then sent a email to Cooper firearms. I was polite and advise them that I did respect Cooper's right to support any politician he wished. I then told them I hope that they would also respect my right to not purchase the Cooper rifle I had planned on buying. I even informed them of the conversation between my dealer and his decision to talk any future customer out of buying a Cooper rifle.
Well it seems that Cooper firearms was swamped with emails that voiced their displeasure and boycott of Cooper rifles.
On the Copper web site there is now a message from the board of directors that states Mr Dan Cooper has been requested to resign his position as company CEO due to the adverse replys that they felt would effect the company employees and stock owners.
So Zigga you better hurry up and buy that Cooper rifle, if you can afford it, so your money will get into your fellow libral anti gunner's pocket. Mr Cooper might not be the CEO very much longer with the company he started.
Zigga, you are a big A$$, you just might be surprised just how many of us own high end or custom rifles. Some of us have the money to spend, and some of us are able to save it over time in order to own a high end gun like a Cooper or custom. You strike me as a "have not" that is jealous and is waiting for your gravey train to pull into the station.

Sorry RELH,

Just post the paperwork from the dealer including your cancellation and I will be a die hard 2A kinda guy. I was just about to buy a .308 savage and then remembered I shoot Weatherby and Remington.

"He was very upset and told me that he will now try to talk any of his customers out of buying a Cooper rifle, we have many rich farmers in our area that trade with my dealer, and refer them to Kimber rifles."

So this guy will shoot himself in the foot financially over this? GMAFB!!! Kimber sucks and that is not new news. They look nice but don't shoot for the price you are paying.
Zigga, there you go again assuming that everyone has jelly for a backbone as you. My dealer is a very staunch supporter of the NRA and gun rights for citizens as I am.
Loosing a few bucks on sales today is not as important as preserving future firearm rights which would put him out of business. He intends to tell his customers, that request a Cooper rifle of Cooper's support for a anti-gunner and leave it up to the customer to make the final decision. Most of them will not go with a Cooper as this is a area in Ca. that is very conservative and very pro gun. We even had a few sheriffs lose an election because they tried to lessen or curtail CCW permits.
Also my dealer would not loose that much if the customer went with Kimber instead of Cooper.
As for Kimber "sucks", that is a very fitting description of you more then Kimber.

I do not know what you mean about posting the paperwork. there is no paperwork involved when you request your firearms dealer to get you a brochure on a company's firearm for a firearm you are considering buying. As for me, I do not own any Remingtons or Weatherbys, I do have three custom bolt actions with match grade barrels.

Good for you RELH. Thats how we as gun owners and hunters can have an affect on those who don't support the second ammendment. Don't buy their stuff, and tell all your friends not to buy it also. It has an affect, just ask Jim Zumbo. I can't imagine why a firearms manufacturer would support someone who is a known gun control advocate. I have also looked at Cooper rifles, and will not purchase one now or in the forseeable future unless something drastically changes at their facility.
Man, I've been watching this closely since Doug let us know of the fiasco. I ordered a Cooper many many months ago (the wait is horrific on these orders) and the rifle is now being shipped to my dealer. I paid the remaining balance on the rifle just last week. I just received loaded ammo from Nosler in 280AI so I would have bullets and most importantly, nice & properly stamped brass.

Needless to say I started to look at other rifles online today. Even after researching endlessly before ordering the Cooper.

I really want to keep the Cooper and think I'll be supporting the hard workers that built the rifle and don't hold the same political views as Dan Cooper himself. All I can say is, this sum beach better shoot.

Pissed Off Chef
Steve, you ain't kidding.

Yea good point- plus you're right, why penalize the US workers who built you a great US product because some CEO is an idiot. They already tossed him(and with some pretty stright-forward words about what they think of his opinions and where he can put them), so I think they've made a good faith effort to do all they can do about it. It's one thing still be mad at Jane Fonda after 40 years, it's another to hold it against some slub who used to work for her.
Chef; Hang on to to that Cooper and enjoy shooting it. The broard did the right thing and fired Dan Cooper as the CEO. I am sure he must of refused to resign and due to the heat he left the broard with no other option in order to save and protect the name of the company.

It's a private company.......his family is the board....It is a story that fools the fools though obviously.

>It's a private company.......his family is
>the board....It is a story
>that fools the fools though

Glad you said that I was about to chime in and say the same thing
That I understood it was FAMILY owned and operated as for
shareholders I'm not sure there (family ???) looks like a ploy to
hide in the background to me.

I would like to 2nd your posts( will probably get some flack as I
don't post much, but read way to much 2/3 times a day thanks for
standing your ground!!!!)

good point D13/CAT, I missed that fact, so I must be the fool you're talking about. So Dad's been "officially" fired to try and save face.

So I'm that guy today.... Bummer

Zigga you might as well beat your head thru a block wall you might get farther than try and reason with such closed minded simple people.

Joey that is why you come across a common sense kind of guy who does not let his emotions think for himself.

I will bet that everyone here has bought something from someone else that had different beliefs than you. Did it really make a difference? Just ridiculous.

califhuntn, please don't include me in the same group as Zigga. So far, i have yet to agree with anything the man has said and what he professes to believes in. Does that make him wrong? Maybe...maybe not. It's really not for me to judge the man, he just believes different...and that's his right!

As much as we disagree, if he asked me to plumb his cabin and we could come to terms on the price, i'd do it in a heartbeat.

As far as getting our guns taken away. I think there would be a civil war first and i'd be on the front lines. They (extreem libs) are not getting our guns, taking away the right to protect ourselves and family, or taking away our hunting! Ain't gonna happen!

Joey, I understand the "from my cold dead hands" belief. But simple fact is, they have a hard time taking what we already own but are extremley well at restricting the purchase of what we would like to buy in the future. I just bought a new handgun this week....had to take a test for my firearms purchaser card, had to buy a lock because the safe is'nt good enough and the other 5 locks I have were'nt purchased within the last 30 days,had to show a 2nd form of ID such as a utility bill, and also had to wait untill it arrived before we could start the 10 day waiting period because they need the actuall serial number before the paperwork can start. Oh yeah, and go and try to buy a Savage Stryker single shot target pistol or numerous other sporting type firearms, you can't because it's an "off list" gun in Ca.The Cali safe firearm list was created as another deterant for gun manf's to restrict their sales in Ca. If a certain gun is'nt very popular or a specialty type gun that is'nt that profitable the gun manf's simply cant afford or are willing to go through the crap to be able to sell it to cali customers. Objective accomplished for the libs. If you dont think there taking our guns ....maybe your right. But they are doing whatever they can to keep us from buying more.Plus limiting and restricting the rights of our childeren. Back to the topic, Dan Cooper is a Judas that needs to get bent. Sellout

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Normally, I'd agree with sageadvice on this: I'd rarely allow someone's belief system to have an impact on whether I choose to buy their product.

The difference here, is my perception that Cooper will gladly take my money and then use it to help support someone that given the opportunity, will try to take away or limit my right to use said or similar products. Consequently, a boycott of Cooper Firearms is warranted.

Good job to those of you applied the pressure.
>Joey, I understand the "from my
>cold dead hands" belief. But
>simple fact is, they have
>a hard time taking what
>we already own but are
>extremley well at restricting the
>purchase of what we would
>like to buy in the
>future. I just bought a
>new handgun this week....had to
>take a test for my
>firearms purchaser card, had to
>buy a lock because the
>safe is'nt good enough and
>the other 5 locks I
>have were'nt purchased within the
>last 30 days,had to show
>a 2nd form of ID
>such as a utility bill,
>and also had to wait
>untill it arrived before we
>could start the 10 day
>waiting period because they need
>the actuall serial number before
>the paperwork can start. Oh
>yeah, and go and try
>to buy a Savage Stryker
>single shot target pistol or
>numerous other sporting type firearms,
>you can't because it's an
>"off list" gun in Ca.The
>Cali safe firearm list was
>created as another deterant for
>gun manf's to restrict their
>sales in Ca. If a
>certain gun is'nt very popular
>or a specialty type gun
>that is'nt that profitable the
>gun manf's simply cant afford
>or are willing to go
>through the crap to be
>able to sell it to
>cali customers. Objective accomplished for
>the libs. If you dont
>think there taking our guns
>....maybe your right. But they
>are doing whatever they can
>to keep us from buying
>more.Plus limiting and restricting the
>rights of our childeren.
>Back to the topic, Dan
>Cooper is a Judas that
>needs to get bent. Sellout
>"A well regulated militia, being necessary
>to the security of a
>free state, the right of
>the people to keep and
>bear arms shall not be

You need to see this if you already have not.

Oh and +1

"If it moves shoot it again"

It's great to see people like yourself, living in CA and supporting our rights. I really enjoy your reply's and couldn't agree with you more..

At one time 400" bulls were spikes. Its hard for many to believe, but it is true!
I own two Coopers, was giving serious thought to another until I heard this.
I will not spend my hard earned money on products made by a Company that will in turn support someone(any politician)who has voted against the Second Amendment on every opportunity.
Removing Dan Cooper was a good move, but I suspect it was just a cosmetic adjustment to save the Company. Sorry, I will spend my money somewhere else! Apparently Dan Cooper didn't do a very good job of researching Obama's voting record before he jumped on his bandwagon!


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