Damn Thieves in UT!


Long Time Member
Antler BUYERS HELP!!!! We had our shop broken into last night and around 20,000.00 worth of antler stolen! If you see a truck full of antler come in, please contact me! 435-340-0334 the peoples tracks we could find were small. Probably around a size 8 in mens and were a flat bottom shoe! PLEASE HELP US CATCH THESE PUKES!!

This sucks!!!!

Not mine but was posted on Facebook!
Very sorry to hear the news. I HATE thieves. Where are you located in Utah? It may help if folks know a general location where the theft occurred.

Yes, that is crappy. Do you have a few photos of some of the unique or bigger antlers that maybe someone would recognize if they saw them somewhere? That could help.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
This was me just sharing from a Facebook friends. Guy who had the antlers stolen was named Dave Jorgensen. He works for the ocrrectional Facility in Gunnison so I would assume he lives in that area. One of the antlers was a big Shiras Moose with 13 points on the left side.

They believe the thieves truck was a small toyota/S-10/Ranger type of pickup and they got away with over 1500 pounds of antler.

I would assume he is in the Richmond area.
Well it appears they were caught. Here is an update: He had all his antler catalog by weight and sorted into piles. Sounds like it was a little Nissan Truck and everyone who saw it was amazed at how much antler was in the back of a little truck. I am glad they caught the guy....

Update on the situation. one arrest was made and about 1/3 or 1/4 of the antler stolen was recovered. Still missing about (guessing without doing an inventory yet) $20,000.00 of antler. The amount of support from the community has been TRULY HUMBLING and reassuring that there still are good people in the world! I am completely humbled and grateful for the numerous texts and calls with tips on this! Even though we haven't recovered all of the antler stolen, I feel comforted that GOD has a purpose for everything that happens and it will work out one way or another! Funny thing about this is they left a ladder at my shop. I am keeping it and now I have 2 $20,000.00 ladders. The other I got free when I bought my truck for $19,000.00 lol Bet you all don't know someone with 2 - $20,000.00 ladders.
I'm curious why more of the antlers couldn't be recovered and what exactly does a $20K ladder look like. I may have few i want to sell.


Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
Absolutely nothing more low down than a thief!!......effing parasites!!!.....all of em! I don't know what's worse....the monetary loss or the sense of total violation?!? These pr!cks should get their hands chopped off.
Totally agree with snoodafruff.
My place had been robbed multiple times, but not once since I got an alarm system.
Last Sunday night they broke in to my basement and stole some items, WHILE I WAS HOME!(Didn't set the alarm because I was there.) First time that has happened.
I have to believe they just don't have any idea how bad of a decision that would have turned out to be if I would have woke up.
They probably did not recover all the stolen antlers because the suspect may have had time to offload a good portion of it to a buyer. Hopefully the suspect will talk and tell them where the rest of the horns are at.
I once had a burglary case where guns were stolen and I was able to arrest the suspect within 3 hours of the crime being reported. In those 3 hours he had sold several of the guns. Boy! was the buyer pissed when I made contact and gave him the choice of giving me the guns or going to jail for buying stolen firearms if he failed to cooperate.
I got the victim's guns back and the buyer started whining about the money he was out. I told him to take it up with the guy he brought the guns from, who I had in jail.

Yeah RELH sounds about right. Give the thief a option, tell me who you sold to or get a stiffer penalty. It seems the puke would roll over, after all, he is a thieving scumbag punk, and some more of those goods could be recovered.

I still want to know what these $20,000. ladders look like? :)


Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
>Yeah RELH sounds about right. Give
>the thief a option, tell
>me who you sold to
>or get a stiffer penalty.
>It seems the puke would
>roll over, after all, he
>is a thieving scumbag punk,
>and some more of those
>goods could be recovered.
>I still want to know what
>these $20,000. ladders look like?
>Keep your slimy Paws Off My,
>Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!


He was joking about the $20,000 ladders. He bought a truck once for 19,000 that had a ladder rack and the guy did it want to climb up and take the ladder off! So he jokes he bought a $20,000 ladder. Then when the guy broke in this time, they brought and used a ladder while stealing the antlers. Of course they left the ladder behind, thus the guy is joking that he got another $20,000 ladder.

As for the missing antlers, they think the guy might have took out 2 loads and ditched the first load someplace safe/close and returned for a 2nd load. Or he might have sold em! Good new was this happened last night and they caught the guy by midday so hopefully they did not get to far!
96, Thank You, i'm caught up now, appreciate it!

Was a house painting Cont. years ago, still paint a bit. I still have my old ladders and how nice it would be if i did make at least one decent financial decision in my life. lol, I'd be a seller at $20K :)


Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
Looks like that thief will not be going to college this fall since he stated he was going to use the sheds to pay for college. Hopefully the D.A. or judge will not drop the felony charge down to a misdemeanor, but I would not hold my breath waiting for that.

I hate thieves! I have been robbed before as well, and the feeling of violation is one that a person cannot accurately describe to others. It's a helpless, empty feeling. Glad this punk got caught. Looks like Hard Knock University is where he's headed for school...

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