Dam, they just don't quit

I wouldn't imagine they would adopt the legislation as is, but you never know. They say as goes California so goes the rest of the nation guess she is trying to make that the case.
Maybe some kinda new yearly fees(to pay for victims)yea right,they are so f#cken desperate to extort money from the american people,that senator can take a hike!
That bill if passed will do away with 'ALL" semi auto rifles that are center fire, and most semi auto 22LR rimfires with detachable magazines. There goes your Ruger 10-22.

Will also take in most semi autos with mags of more then 10 rounds. There goes most 9mm semiauto pistols.

I liked the part where she said that she and her staff have been working for OVER A YEAR on this bill. I wonder what our on board libs have to say since they have been spouting the B.S. that THEIR DEMOCRATS would not take away any guns. I guess this action speaks far louder then their B.S. does. This was being considered long before the Conn. school shooting, just waiting for Obama to get re-elected and the right incident to come along.

If this bill passes, all owners of above listed guns get ready to pay the federal goverment 200 bucks or more when you register your guns, and that will be 200 bucks per gun that you want to keep. Forget about passing them on to your kids, goverment gets them when you die.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 08:13PM (MST)[p]>I wouldn't imagine they would adopt
>the legislation as is, but
>you never know. They
>say as goes California so
>goes the rest of the
>nation guess she is trying
>to make that the case.
I don't imagine she plans on getting all of it, that's why it's so drastic. She wants the pro 2nd Amendment politicians and public to feel relief when ONLY 2/3 of it passes while the 2nd Amendment opponants feel happy they got something. The rest will come later after we've gotten used to this one and when we have another incident that this one won't prevent! She's sinister, but she ain't stupid!
I would think of nothing less coming from that senator, given her wonderful past. As EFA mentioned, I doubt she can get enough votes to pass the bill as is, but I also believe she never thought she would. Some form of it will be pushed hard. If there was ever a time for all of us to come together and become proactive, now is the time. Call, email, text, write your representatives and give them an ear full NOW.

You would know better than I, but her bill, as written, seems unenforceable. Not that law makers care.

"This was being considered long before the Conn. school shooting, just waiting for Obama to get re-elected and the right incident to come along."

Yup, her solution waiting for a problem.

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