Dall Sheep ?



Hi, this is my first post here, long time watcher. I had a few questions regarding dall sheep hunts. I will be taking my son on his first big game hunt in 2008 and he wants to hunt dall sheep. I have been researching different areas and outfitters. I was hoping someone with some past expieriences could help. So far it looks like a 8 day backpack trip in Alaska is the cheapest option, in the 8,500.00 range. Seems the NWT and the Yukon are substantially higher. What sort of price range do cancellation hunts go for and how common are they ? Any insight would be great, thanks for your time.
If you can find a combo type hunt for Mt. Carabou,Mt. Grizzly, or moose sometimes it is cheaper... $10.000 would be a starting point.

Watch the Cabela's trip site in the cancelation page, they usualy have a few. but mostly in the Yukon or NWT, but have seen a couple in AK.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-06 AT 09:44AM (MST)[p]I just looked, the Brooks Range was $9.500 was sold, anouther was also sold at $9.500, But there is one left for $10.000 in the Brooks range.

go to Cabela's site, click "Trips Taggs Properties", click outdoor adventures, then Trip Cancelations in the upper Left corner.

Careful looking at price when it comes to sheep hunting. Many folks will tell you that you'll get what you pay for. I'm not saying go with the highest price but many times the $$$ is justified by the area and the outfit you'll be hunting with. I haven't been on a dall hunt yet but when I do, price will be a secondary factor. Find a few outfitters you would like to hunt with and explain your situation. They may have a private cancellation list.

my 2 cents

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Wow! I wish my dad would have made my first hunt a Dall sheep hunt. Dependent upon his age and physical maturity, I would be careful with a hunt as physically demanding as a backpack Dall hunt. On most Dall hunts you will be hot, cold, wet, and physically drained. It would definitely be a great father/son bonding trip but just make sure he can handle the rigors of a mountain backpack hunt.

I would agree with roger. One, on your son being VERY lucky, and two, being careful not to drive him into the ground on his first big game hunt and scare him away.
The place I would recommend going is Arctic Red River Outfitters in the NWT.
Best of luck.

Thank you for the replies so far. I'm not concerned with his conditioning, he is a stout kid that out hikes anyone I know. We probably would prefer a fly in or horseback type hunt. So far I'm looking at about 11,000.00 range. Looks like he may be the only one hunting and I'll just be a camp companion. I'm a Dall and Rocky Mountain bighorn away from my grand slam, looks like that is going to have to wait. My wife has dropped hints that if I ever do draw a bighorn tag they would find the money for me somehow. Thanks again.
Another vote for Arctic Red River Outfitters. A couple of friends of mine have hunted with them, and done well. From all accounts, they run a quality outfit. Good luck to your son - that will be one heck of a great first hunt.

Since you are an experienced sheep hunter you already have a good idea of what you are getting into. The first thing I would do is determine what kind of sheep I am after. Will any legal one do or do you want to hunt an area that may hold a truly huge sheep. There are plenty of operations out there for under 10K that offer both types of hunts. The Brooks, for example, is expensive not because of the size of the sheep, but because of the remoteness of the area. This remoteness means less competition which adds to the quality of the experience. Other areas may hold huge sheep and be hard to hunt because of the terrain, competition, or difficulty in obtaining a drawing tag versus the over the counter tags.

There are several books and videos out that deal specifically with some of the details in hunting dall sheep. Sheep Hunting in Alaska, Sheep Stalking, Quest for Dall Rams, & Sheep Hunting the Alaska Range are all in my personal library and offer some good insight into how to prepare and what to expect. Of course there are others. All are good.

For me the draw to sheep hunting is the country that they live in. It's like stepping back in time to hunt like it was 100 years ago. No fences, no bridges, and scary cliffs! Nothing like introducing your son to sheep fever and ruining his sleep for years to come.

Good Luck,

PS Remeber to hunt with your kids, not for them.
I recommend Blackstone Outfitters or Dickson Outfitting both in the Yukon. Jim Fink w/ Blackstone has guided tons of backpack hunts before he became an outfitter and his outfitting business is top notch with very high success on rams. Dave Dickson has been a guide or outfitter all his life as he took over the business from his father and is one of the more entertaining guys I've met in the business not to mention very hard working to get your animal. Not sure what they are charging now, but both are worth it. It's a lot of money to come back empty handed.
First, I'll commend you for involving your son in your big game hunting. In the end, it really doesn't matter what you kill or don't kill. It's the memories that you treasure. You may be able to book a sheep hunt for you and a fee for your son if he kills one. I'm sure there is someone that will help make it work for both of you.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-06 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-06 AT 08:47?AM (MST)


Got this ram on August 20th in Alaska with Matt Snyder-Alaska Hunting Adventures. They do a great job. Here is their website


Sorry for contaminating your post. I have never ever been able to post pictures on this site. I was using the advice of someone go to Photobucket. Well it worked this morning. Kilowatt I will start a new thread and had planned on doing it just did not know how to post pictures. I will post some others as well in the next few days.

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