Dall Sheep video (kill shot)


Very Active Member
In 2009 my two friends and I went on a dall sheep hunt in the Brooks Range of Alaska. It was a TOUGH 12 days of never ending hiking with the packs. In those 12 days we saw alot of sheep but no legal rams. Finally on the 2nd to last day we found 4 rams. 1 legal, 2 about an inch shy of legal and a small ram. My friend and I had decided that we would take turns whose day it was to shoot and this day was his. We also decided that if you miss twice it's anyone's sheep at that point. Well we got within 70 yards and my friend missed, missed again at 250 yards on the run. The rams don't stop again until 526 yards, I dialed my scope and my friend and I shot almost simultaneously and the ram went down. Not knowing who shot him, my friend ended up taking him home. Here's the link to the video. Sorry for the shakey video it was a really steep loose hill.

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Very cool vid. I was getting nervous the more and more ground they covered. Glad you guys got him. Hope to be so lucky as to do that someday!

Couldn't hit him at 70?

But hit him at 500+?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Nice looking country and a pretty good ram.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Great video! Intense - I could feel the adrenaline. So, who really hit him? Sounds like your guide was pissed that you shot.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Congratulations guy's. Great video. It's never as easy as it sounds. You captured the real challange.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Who rolled down the rocky hillside?

Any new notches on the Guns?:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Watching that video got me nervous and I wasn't there! When you goin back for yours?

To address some of the questions. The simultaneous shot has haunted me now for 2 years. There really is no way to tell who shot the ram for sure but I shoot a lot with a complete custom set up out to 1000 yards all summer. 500 yards is really a chip shot at this point. My friend didn't have a range finder, had no idea how far it was, and has no idea how much his bullet drops at that distance. So yes, I have a pretty good idea whose bullet went through the shoulders.

Couple of reasons why I went 2X1. It was my guides first hunt of the year. I wanted first crack at the sheep in the areas he hunts. I also wanted the earlier hunt due to weather conditions usually being a little milder.

This was the toughest hunt I've ever done. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Most people would think that you would walk away from a hunt like this on an all time high. I was emotionally spent after finally finding a legal ram after putting 126 miles on my boots in some of the most rugged country you will ever see, shoot a ram, and then come home with nothing. I do consider the ram mine.....just on someone else's wall. Just don't ask me to go on a 2X1 hunt anymore unless every day is my day to be the shooter first.

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How'd you two decide who's Ram it was?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
That was sweet, Except thats a lot of $$$,time, miles to come home empty handed, or have your ram on someone elses wall.
You don't have to tell me that!! I know who shot the ram, and he probably does too, but in the end it wasn't worth losing a friend over. I still have the memory of the hunt, had a great time with some good friends and saw a part of the world that most people will never see in their lifetime. Since it was his day....he took the ram. I've never brought it up again with him.

My reward for letting it all go was a Henry Mountains deer tag the very next season where I killed a world class muley with my dad and two brothers by my side!! I considered it Karma.
And I thought karma was a b!tch? You are a better man than me..I'da lost a friend that day!

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-11 AT 07:31AM (MST)[p]Good call Marley. You did the right thing for sure. Personally, if I knew I had missed at those short distances and was just "throwing lead" at long range like that, there is no way I would ever feel right about keeping a ram like that. But, you are right - it is impossible to tell. I watched my uncle miss an elk at 50 yards broadside, standing still with a perfect dead rest only to hit it at 650 on a dead run, quartering away, off handed. He was the only one shooting and just messed up of the first shot - he was normally a pretty good shot - but focused in and dumped him when it needed to get done. So congrats to you and your buddy. The bright side is you didn't have to pay the taxidermy bill either!

Great hunt!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Good on you Marley,
You have the memory, which is all we can take with us anyway!
I am confident that if you choose to do so, another Dall opportunity will come your way. And taking a world class Muley is about as special as "karma" gets!
Good things do usually happen to good people!
I gotta tell ya marley, that was tough to watch and has nothing to do with the shakey film.
A 70 yard miss is torture to watch... and a 250 was just as bad.
I'm glad the ram was killed but the experience would be a tough one to get over.
I've been on 2 backpack Dall sheep hunts, both 2x1, and I'm glad they worked out well (but nobody missed). Those kind of hunts are tough enough even when everything works as planned.
I feel you pain.

I guess I can't quite understand that if you had the deal where if you miss twice and it's the other guy's turn why he was shooting a third time. Anyway, IMHO he has bigger balls than that sheep if he claimed him at 526 yards after missing twice and the first shot was standing at 70 yards!!! That must be some friendship you have with the dude because I think most guys may have thought about sticking his gun up a part of his anatomy where the sun don't shine, LOL! Maybe you did have that thought. I think I can honestly say that if I were the guy and had missed twice like that I would have been saying: "Shoot him Marley, it's your turn!".
Several years ago a friend and I were cow elk hunting in CO. We came around a bend and came accross several cows not 60-70 yards away. I pulled up and fired. To my surprize I missed. I watched that elk run till he stoped 420 yards away. Got in a prone position fired and she walked in a circle and fell. My buddy and I have been laughing about those two shots for 15 years now. Not saying who shot the ram. Just saying.

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