Dall sheep/ mountain caribou hunt

Arctic Red River Outfitters NWT.
My son and I went with them 3 years ago and both got killer sheep and caribou. Great outfit.
I've been lucky and hunted 3 times with Arctic Red River. My first trip was in 1981 and the most recent was last year. It hasn't changed a bit (except even more grizzly bears. ouch)

I've dined with the Lancasters and I've had several friends hunt with them. They are a class-act when it comes to hunting!

Success runs high with either outfit if the hunter's physical conditioning is equal to the task!

Good luck and keep us posted.

Looked at this one, booked for 2014, really want a good mountain caribou, would this be trhe place for me?
Thanks Brian
I think all the good ones will be booked out more than a year unless you catch a cancellation.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-13 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]Brian,

If you are looking for a great Mt. Bou, here is what we found with Artic Red:

Son's Bull


My Bull

We saw several others like these
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-13 AT 01:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-13 AT 01:21?PM (MST)

They are total pigs at ARRO.
When I saw LBH and son's bulls I about tipped over!

Here's our crew with my son-in-law's bull
Daughter killed a 11.5 year old 38" Dall too!



PS: we didn't see several like this but we did shoot the 2 best bulls that we saw in 12 days. Mine would be great anywhere else but I can't post it next to the previous 3 pigs! ha

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