Da Boys is done playing


Long Time Member
Hey the NFC final is a Lambeau Field and the Packers are in it and the Cowboys are staying where they belong in Texas. Go back and look at the early thread when the Packers and Cowboys played. How does crow taste for some of you boys, put a little tabasco on it. Go Pack the peoples team. Texas you guys can keep Jerry.
TTTTTTony is my Quarquarquarterback sniff sniff This is mumumumy ttteam sniff sniff.

Wait till next year when Owens doesn't get the ball 4 or 5 times, he'll be singing a different tune about Romo. Who knows, maybe he'll tell the press Romo is gay, like he did with Garcia and the 49ers.
Wtf?? I am in agreement with cornhusker AND ftw at the same time. Watching TO with his dark glasses on bawling was CLASSIC! This has turned out to be a good, although I would have liked to see the Colts against the Pats instead of the Bolts, especially with LT and PR dinged up.

I am not a huge Packers fan, but I am a HUGE Brett Favre fan, go cheeseheads!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
If you go to Green Bay you become a Packers fan. The people in that small city are some of the nicest I've ever met. The tradition of 300 pound players riding the kids bike to the practice field while the kids run beside is unique, an unbelievable to watch. It is also what pro sports should be the people not some arrogant rich guy owning the team.
T.O. will start bellyaching this week not next year although it may be tough to go with the gay angle on Romo with him dating Jessica Simpson. Wouldn't you like to know what she will do for him tonight to console him for this devastating loss. I personally enjoyed watching Jerry Jones more than the game his look towards the end said it all.
I thought it was priceless watching Big Talker TO sniffling about how it just not fair...just not fair!!!
Wah Wah Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It about breaks your heart, doesn't it NOT!!!!!
bad Karma is a ##### to shake! ha ha to all you trash talking Cowboys fan!
I'm probably the biggest Cowboys fan on here,
and you damned sure didn't hear me talking any trash.
They got the Crap outplayed by them by the Giants,
and they danged sure deserved to lose. Penalties out the
rear, dropped passes, crapy blocking ect. And the Giants
without Shockey. Giants deserve to take the next step, they
won the game heads up.

Hope next weeks games are good. Better watch them Giants.

So let me get this right, Romo has a half dozen games under his belt and get signed to a contract. Instantly word spreads that this kid is going to be the next Staubach. You could read Jones' face as he was thinking, "I can't believe I signed this kid to a contract, now I can't get rid of him."

Romo simply fell apart in the end of the 4th quarter after the Immaculate Grounding! He was flinging 'em everywhere, covered or not. When did taking a 4 yard loss with a sack ever become the end of the world?

Go Packers! If I wasn't a born and bred 49er's fan I would be a Packers fan. I have followed Bret's entire career, he a real a leader, a risk taker, a street baller, old-school, and he is extended family like Dale Jr. The guy is real and the fans and players love him.

It's rough these days being a 49er fan, it was better when the team was mobbed-up with Eddie D.

Rack, bring on the karma! The 49ers cannot suck anymore than they do now, who knows it may have reverse effect and we may be a 500 team next year.....I doubt it!
Wow, that was exciting game to watch!
That loud mouth, hot doggin, trash talkin TO had a poochie lip at the end of the game. I wish Dallas would run more plays with him running across the middle. Linebackers would enjoy it too.
I felt sorry for coach Wade, I like him, to bad he works for such a sorry owner and organization.
The Packers are home at the frozen tundra! Yes!!!! GO Packers.


Proverbs 3:5-6
That was a great game and both teams were in it to the end. I haven't seen Romo lose his composure this year like he did tonight. When the Giants started bringing the heat he started getting really flustered and it really showed. I don't care which team you were for, that was a great game to watch. Maybe I'm a little extra pumped because now the Packers are playin at home.

Go Packers!!!!
I don't know what was more satisfying, watching TO having his crying tantrum or Jerry Jones about ready to blow a valve at the end of the game. GO Pack
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-08 AT 10:34AM (MST)[p]I'm a cowboys fan, but I had to laugh when TO was crying....such a drama queen....lol.

They chocked big time and didn't deserve to win. Romo didn't play that bad. The whole team played bad. Guess it's coaching, because they weren't ready to play and for some reason keep having so many penalties. I still don't think anybody can beat the pats though. I saw this one coming, but I am supprised the colts lost.
" I'm probably the biggest Cowboys fan on here,
and you damned sure didn't hear me talking any trash.
They got the Crap outplayed by them by the Giants,
and they danged sure deserved to lose. Penalties out the
rear, dropped passes, crapy blocking ect. And the Giants
without Shockey. Giants deserve to take the next step, they
won the game heads up.

Hope next weeks games are good. Better watch them Giants.

Larry "

DITTO. They sucked like no other in the 2nd half. The offensive line fell apart. The friggin center could not even snap the dad gum ball. They deserved to loose.

I love Favre. Go Pack.
How bout that game in the snow on lambeau. The way football was meant to be played. Loved it. Going out to buy my Green bay ball cap today.

The Big Blue Blunder of the Colts was a disapointment as well.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
The Cowboys can rightly point to very flawed officiating, from the 3rd-down offsides call that led to the Giants? first TD to the grounding call late in the 4th when Romo wasn?t under duress that pushed them back 10 and cost them a down, but the bottom line is this: The Cowboys had three chances with a short field late in the game when they knew they needed a TD. The defense did its job when the game was on the line but still within reach. But dropped balls, bad play calling and skillet-handed play from Patrick Crayton and several bad reads by Romo cost them the game. One of the league?s most lethal offenses just fell apart against a patchwork Giants secondary. They have no excuse. They won as a team all year, but lost as a team in the playoffs. They choked. It happens, but with this team it's happened twice in two years.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
And the sun still came up in Texas this morning!

Hee hee! Loving it! You should have heard all the whiners on the local call-in show on the AM dial this morning.

Oh well, next year starts today - that today just comes a little earlier for Jerry and the BOYS!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
202 - well said.

Between the dropped passes and the "stupid - players not necessarily the umpires" penalties. They deserved to loose.

I will now be rooting for Farve as well.
Definitely a sad day for Cowboys fans. I grew up in Dallas and have been a fan since I was a kid. Yeah, the definitely didnt deserve to win. The team as a whole played bad with the exception of The Barbarian. Romo didnt play bad. . . I dont care what people say. The penalties ended the game. The officiating crew didnt blow a thing as far as Im concerned. Its too bad about all the attention that Romo is going to get about this loss. Crayton should get the attention. I definitely thought he came out as the goat. Dropping that pass and then giving up on the throw in the 4th Q makes him undeserving of a uniform. He'll always be a goat in my mind. As far as the Giants go, I dont really think they played all that well either. The score was much more dictated crappy tackling and penalties than it was on great performance. I still dont think the Giants are the real deal. I think they are going to get hammered next week.

Put up that thing you have with Tony F=ing up the hold.

Lord knows this is the time for it......


Texans, Cowboy fans you have my sympathy. Most Husker fans get depressed for months after a devastating loss, as you know we've been depressed a lot lately. Maybe next year. I think all the components are in place if T.O, doesn't implode the team. Since we have no pro team we split between the Broncos who I despise, and the Packers, yeah the whole family has the cheesehead hats even my daughter who hates football.

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