Da Bears!


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We will see if we get the same post next week after Clay Mathews and Aaron Rodgers get done with the way over rated Jay Cutler and big bad bears. I doubt it!
Must be nice to be able to have a bye week and then play the Seachicks! Good luck next week, you will need it!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]A bye week and lesser opponents is what you earn for winning regular season games and the division....its what the packers weren't able to do. Please explain how and why Jay Cutler is overrated? No one ever says anything good about him....so how is that overrated?

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Lol as a packers fan i cant help but stick my nose in....Now you do realize "da bears" already tried keeping the pack out of the playoffs right?...because they didnt want to meet them but...thats gonna happen. "da bears" admitted that, thats why they played their starters. Cutler is coming in finally i will give him that...but they beat the seahawks...barely. their gonna have to play alot better then what they are.
First of all,the reason no one says anything goog about Cutler is because he sucks. Secondly the only reason they won their division is because all three of the teams in their division were hurt all year even though the Packers will still be in the SB. Cutler looks fine as long as its wide open and he don't have to read a defense. Pressure him and make him look for his 2nd or 3rd read and he blows! Rex Grossman got them to the SB by playing good D and running the ball. How did his career pan out?
> We will see if we
>get the same post next
>week after Clay Mathews and
>Aaron Rodgers get done with
>the way over rated Jay
>Cutler and big bad bears.
>I doubt it!

I agree with you opbuckslayer, I am a die hard USC Trojan fan and watched Clay Matthews while he played here. I think he will get up close and personal with Cutler all day long and Aaron Rodgers will pick apart the Bears defense.
Op, if gb would have won the division you'd be talkin about how great they are for winning it. BUT since they didn't it was just a bad division...I'm still waiting to hear how Cutler is overrated? If you pressure any qb they struggle! Bottom line is Chicago won the division. Last I checked Trent Dilfer won a SB with great D and running game!

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Pack D-line is healthy again, Matthews on the corner has an incredible motor and more variations of the swim move than I've ever seen. Woodson will come from the corner one time Matthews the next or they'll bring on a delay up the middle. Cutler is great when he's not on his back, He'll have happy feet like Brady did and won't find his receivers. Plus the Bears aren't a blitzing team so are they going to get to Rodgers with just 4 down linemen? This is a good match up for the pack. They could screw it up by turning the ball over but I doubt it Packers 24-Bears 14.
No i'm sayin G.B. is a great team for overcoming injuries and still being in the NFC championship game. The rest of the division except duh bears had the same fate. Also the bears got handed a gift in the lions game and seemed to play everyone at the right time. You know like having to go with a 67 year old backup qb and playing Carolina that week. LUCKY!

I already told you why Cutler is overrated, but if you want more then here it is. Go find some game film and see how many of their big pass plays are him reading the defense and finding a receiver. Not many I'll guarantee ya. Yesterdays 2 TD passes had 1 receiver all the way. Thats the first post season game he's ever won in college or the pros and he beat the 7-9 Seahawks in 20 degrees and snow at home. Go check the Seahawks road record all time and get back to me. Chicago gave up two 1's and a 3rd on top of Orton,who had better numbers than Douchler. That IMO makes him overrated! Duh Bears could have had the same or better season with Orton and not cashed in the future to do it. Watch Rodgers dissect a defense throwing to his 3rd and 4th read on a regular basis. That guy is a top 5 qb and Cutler falls in somewhere between 15 and 30 in my book. GO PACK!
> No i'm sayin G.B. is
>a great team for overcoming
>injuries and still being in
>the NFC championship game. The
>rest of the division except
>duh bears had the same
>fate. Also the bears got
>handed a gift in the
>lions game and seemed to
>play everyone at the right
>time. You know like having
>to go with a 67
>year old backup qb and
>playing Carolina that week. LUCKY!
> I already told you why
>Cutler is overrated, but if
>you want more then here
>it is. Go find some
>game film and see how
>many of their big pass
>plays are him reading the
>defense and finding a receiver.
>Not many I'll guarantee ya.
>Yesterdays 2 TD passes had
>1 receiver all the way.
>Thats the first post season
>game he's ever won in
>college or the pros and
>he beat the 7-9 Seahawks
>in 20 degrees and snow
>at home. Go check the
>Seahawks road record all time
>and get back to me.
>Chicago gave up two 1's
>and a 3rd on top
>of Orton,who had better numbers
>than Douchler. That IMO makes
>him overrated! Duh Bears could
>have had the same or
>better season with Orton and
>not cashed in the future
>to do it. Watch Rodgers
>dissect a defense throwing to
>his 3rd and 4th read
>on a regular basis. That
>guy is a top 5
>qb and Cutler falls in
>somewhere between 15 and 30
>in my book. GO PACK!
Good gawd you're ignorant! How can Cutler be overrated when nothing good is ever said about him??? I'm not defending him either. I'm very skeptical of him! Look at any deep or big play...they are almost always your first read. Most of the time that read is made before the snap genius! The detroit game was a joke of a call but it happened. Gb also lost to detroit...what's your piss poor excuse for that? Did you play them at the wrong time of the season? Was the Bears vs Giants the right timefor the Bears? Think next time you post crap. Gb is probably the better team from top to bottom. Rodgers is the hottest qb in the league, with that being said gb barely squeeked out a win against the Bears @ home to get in the playoffs! They were the team with the most on the line and they were ONLY able to put up 10 on the Bears. If you want to talk about crap that doesn't matter...give rodgers the bears Wr's and O-line in a new system and see how he does!
Should be a good game. I'll be back here next week whether the Bears win or lose. Where will you be?!

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Not a packers fan but a real hater of the bears. Posting the gay pictures was the first sh#t talking in my book. I just pointed out the obvious to you. Without your D , special teams and luck you chumps are 7-9. There is a reason lovie told martz to run the ball,let hester go back to being a punt returner and rely on the D to win games. Cutler don't win games, but he sure as hell can throw em away. See ya sunday Ditka.
I'd take Cutler back in Denver in a heartbeat. Give him a little offensive talent to play behind and throw to.
> Not a packers fan but
>a real hater of the
>bears. Posting the gay pictures
>was the first sh#t talking
>in my book. I just
>pointed out the obvious to
>you. Without your D ,
>special teams and luck you
>chumps are 7-9. There is
>a reason lovie told martz
>to run the ball,let hester
>go back to being a
>punt returner and rely on
>the D to win games.
>Cutler don't win games, but
>he sure as hell can
>throw em away. See ya
>sunday Ditka.

Again, you open your ignorant mouth without thinking! A good defense,Sp teams, and "LUCK" as you put it makes up a good team! You creat your own luck!
Lovie did what he did because he is a good coach! Would you sit back and let Cutler throw every game away?! Man you're an idiot. The pics weren't sh!t talking. I was simply proud the Bears were moving on. By the way who is your team?

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Settle down Horse, There's no need for name calling. You just reinforced my point about the coach figuring out what my point is on Cutler. They thought going in and last year that you surround him with weapons in the pass game and ya got yourself an unstoppable offense. He's not that player. Can he make the throws if he's standing on his spot in the pocket and he knows pre-snap where its going? Ya but so can the rest of the 31 qb's in the league. He threw one that hit Babineaux in the chest at the goal line. He's at his worst in the red zone because the field has shrunk and he must read.

Green Bay led the league in IR players yet never trailed by more than 7 in any game this year. Put Forte and Olsen on IR and tell me duh bears are where the packers are. Doubtful! I laugh that now Lovie is a great coach because we both know if injuries,which usually determine nfl seasons,and bad qb play had taken the bears to another sub par season we would be talkin about who they were going to hire next. As for me, I'm a seahawk fan. If you go back to the predictions post you will see that I picked da bears 27-13. We have a long way to go to be a good team and I really wish the 49ers would not have sucked so bad so we could have taken our deserved spot in the draft to build our roster. O-line and qb are spot in need not to mention still a few holes on D. For now I am a packer fan all the way to the SB. They have the best qb and best defensive player still playing. I like their chances. Have a nice day!
Thanks Op's wife! Hey sorry about the heated words...I'm a bit crazy when it comes to football.

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Real football fans don't take kindly to having their squad bashed. Trust me, I've taken more than my fair share of abuse being a Seahawk fan and all. Good luck Sunday but I will still be riding with the Pack. Should be two good old fashion hard hitting games played in the elements. Here's my predictions, pack 24 bears 17 and steelers 20 jets 14
I just got my flight, room, and game ticket booked!...I'm leaving Saturday afternoon!

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Hope you have some kick ass cold weather gear. I hear 20 degrees and a nice breeze is the forecast. Should be a good ball game. Enjoy.

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