Da' Bears


Long Time Member
I think the antis have figured out if they can slap a name on a critter once it gets killed they can start international outrage. This crap is really getting old.

Pedals the pathetic circus bear may have gotten smoked last week in New Jersey's first bear archery hunt. Do you think New Jersey has a bear issue???? They say they smoked almost five hundred bears in a week in a state the size of a couple of counties around here. Anyway here is the story in case you haven't already ruined your breakfast.


Yall better pray Stinker the three horned buffalo doesn't get killed this year. Or Snowflake the white mountian lion. Or Trey the three legged mule deer that everyone loves.

This is funny you bring this up now tri. I remember a few months ago arguing with you about land transfer and the politicians being swayed. You brought up New Jersey bear hunting and how the politicians weren't swayed. Now your showing it as they will flip.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying back then. I think you misunderstand what I am talking about now.
My wife wants me to shoot Rosebud. Rosebud is a blacktail buck that comes in our yard and nips off her rosebuds. I can't do it for some reason.

I understand what you're saying though Tristate. We're doomed.

How do you know it was the circus bear? Were you there? Do you have proof or are you just assuming it is the bear? How do you know there is a bear problem? Did you count the bears? Or are you jumping on an internet rumor that there are a lot of bears? Do you know this bear had a pathetic life? Did you talk to the bear? There you go assuming again!
There was a bighorn in central utah we used to call "phone call". Heard old "phonecall" got poached, too bad!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Yep to bad. I here they decided it was totally legal and a bunch of self-serving soccer mom's are livid.
"Totally legal" is a bit of a stretch. It is OBVIOUS that they shouldn't have been hunting the Nebo... Whether the story about calling here or there is true, legal in our system is pretty liberal. I'll be your soccer Mom.

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