D13er's Fantancy..............


Know JB likes to fancy himself as the Red Baron, so enjoy big guy.


i love the b-26 in the background of the first pic. i actually painted an a-26 invader for a company that is now out of business. i went flying in one of their old pb4y privateers before they were grounded. landed with a flap malfunction in about 40 mph crosswind. i shite myself.
These are actual photos of D13er in his plane. JB doesn't go by the Red Barron, he goes by the Baron of Gray Matter.

My favorite is the Messerschmitt ME109. My dad made a handle for his bayonet from the wind screen of a 109, in WWII.

When I was a kid, I "borrowed" it and lost it!:( I'm glad he had Alzheimers when he died, because I know he never forgave me.

a couple pb4y tankers that i got to ride in...

tanker 123 is no longer with us. wing failure in colo. in 2002

Capt. Rick was a friend of mine R.I.P.


Every August they have the "WINGS OVER WINE COUNTRY" here at the local airfield. This was my first time to go out there as never was into the Plane scene but went as they have a bunch of old cars out there for display too so I was asked to go and did.
I don't remember the type of plane but was parked in front of the right wing (for shade) till we had to move over some as the plane was FOR SALE.
D13er might know the plane, same one as SKY KING flew on his TV program in the 50's or you could do a "google" and find out. The owner was asking I believe around $500,000 but not sure as never read the sign that close.

These are the dudes flying over my house tonight fighting a big arse fire south of here. Pretty cool planes!


P3 Orions

LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-09 AT 09:41PM (MST)[p]p3 orion subhunter?

get alot of mexican submersibles down there?
I don't know elkantler.... I think they are used as hurricane chasers and heavy bombers to fight fires... really stout planes with a ton of horse power I guess.


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