D13er was here first


Long Time Member
I thought at first I was in undiscovered territory until I found the following tree and discovered that JB had beat me to this spot.

LOL....I remember that spot well....pretty good carving using only one hand, huh??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>and the knot hole is just
>out of view.

No, I see it there. You gotta look close though, it's pretty small.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
if there was a knot hole I coulda used both hands on the artwork you dunces...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Already done her... she wasn't that good. Needed a bigger knot hole to accommodate the big boys. Thanks for getting her primed JB.
JB; I am proud of you, never knew you had such artistic skills. Feleno is a bit jealous because you did not invite him to the gala opening of your new art work.

Here's one I've seen while out in woods. Someone else obviously has too and has linked it on Google earth. I think "Ramiro" the old peruvian sheep herder carved it cause his name is on almost every other tree in the visinity.

Oh how sad...I think that lady's mom took that drug that mutated genes and made babies without arms and funny lookin' faces. Either that or she's got some syndrome they have yet to name. But, obviously somebody loved her enough to carve her effigy into a tree....
Remember the old saying "Beauty is only Bark deep, but ugliness goes straight to the core" or something like that. :)
After a few days in the woods I guess that chicken (or whatever it is) starts looking pretty good.

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