D13er vs. Founder

LMMFAO....would you guys stop provoking me...founder was nice enough to give me a chance and you guys keep egging me into more trouble....I'm weak, stop it.

I promised founder I wouldn't tell anyone about his lawn tractor and drinking problem now you've gone and posted it on the WWW.....I hope his wife don't see this.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I'm sure our Law Enforcment types on the web site are laughing their butts off over that one.

Me being the civil rights type is thinking "Set the brother free" It was the least I could for D13er.

Of course it would be kinda funny to see RELH taser JB!

(Adam Hotel) ... over ... good buddy!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-09 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]Rus;

I would never taser JB, we have a common bond that you do not know about. In fact I have never tasered anyone in my life, I just beat the crap out of them with a baton or shot their sorry butt.
Now if you are stepping forward so I can practice with the taser, and gain a intimate knowledge with it's capabilities, I would be willing to learn.


P.S. It's Adam Henry, I let my military jargon interfere when I called you a Adam Hotel

WTF...you're like a band of Pawnee...riding
down on my camp, after I've done smoked a good
pipe and lay'd down with the squaw....

You're gonna get an arrow in your arse if you
don't quite it..

I would never taser JB, we have a common bond that you do not know about. In fact I have never tasered anyone in my life, I just beat the crap out of them with a baton or shot their sorry butt."


Book 'um Rosco!


RUS, true story I swear! I once wrote Mark Furman a letter. This was after he moved to Idaho. I told him if he ever saw me up there hunting and I shoot at a buck to feel free to plant some blood so my buddies will think I at least hit it! He never replied! True story!

That is classic Eel! However I probably ought to let that one go. RELH is dreaming about tasering my ass as we speak. LOL

Now that guy is a funny guy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Mark Furman was a #####, and a lousy street cop. He also lied on the stand under oath, something no one has ever accused me of. If they had ever asked me if I had ever used the "N" word, I would have replied, Heck Yes, and I also used slang words for whites, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, if the term fits them.

Geeze....I'm LMAO by reading you guys posts and can't even see the download...has to be hilarious!!!

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