CWMU Good Experiences


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-14 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p]Instead of all this negativity on the site, let's focus on the positive experiences on CWMUs. We MM'ers love to talk about the negative, share some of your positive results...I'll start with mine.

My daughter drew a public antelope tag for Black Point. Wade Lemon personally guided us to her's still one of the biggest they've taken there. He let us hunt before his two paying customers came in because they couldn't make it in for the normal start of the hunt. He could have made us wait till they were done, but he didn't. He gave us a good hunt, treated us like family and even invited us to his home for dinner with his family (which we took him up on).
Mike Morgan (Dodger's World Series champ pitcher) loaded my wife and I in his vehicle, took us all over his unit, he personally hiked a couple miles out and back to push a group of cows back into an easy recovery canyon and provided the oprotunity for my wife to take her first elk, of which she was thrilled! He then helped pack it out and sent us on our way with a couple Pepsis and a bunch of snacks. Great time, so much so that I sent the DWR very posstive feedback on this operator.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-14 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]There has been alot of negative on this site.
Although I figured not too many people would share their good experiences. I figured most people don't like to give that good info out to others. They like to keep it for themselves with the possibility of hunting there again in the future with less competition if you know what I mean. But ya. Sure. If you got good things to say about a CWMU unit, please share.

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
West lake pronghorn CWMU. I could not have
Been treated better. Took a nice buck and was treated
Like a king.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
I drew lonetree taylor hollow in 2001. I was treated well and drove around half the property by the owner. I had to wait till the last two days to hunt the best part of the property due to paying hunters which I thought was bull!!! But all in all it was a good deal.

My buddy guides up to Deseret and says those draw guys are taken great care of. I've been tempted to beginning applying for that hunt. Probably won't but sounds like a good one to me.

Brian Latturner
Will you
LIKE on Facebook! I need
a friend....
>My buddy guides up to Deseret
>and says those draw guys
>are taken great care of.
>I've been tempted to beginning
>applying for that hunt. Probably
>won't but sounds like a
>good one to me.
>Brian Latturner
>Will you
>LIKE on Facebook! I need
>a friend....

Founder- I have never hunted a CWMU but would like to make a positive post.You seem like a good person and I like what you are doing and what you have to say.Maybe this is the wrong thread but here is to you. CHEERS. buckhorn
I hunted CWMU Antelop is 2007, had a blast! Saw 20+ Bucks every time we went out, killed a good one on the second day. Also hunted CWMU Elk in 2012, got to hunt around Oct. 5th, the Bulls were screaming, killed a 330" on day 3!

I have been on several different CWMUs with Family and Friends that were lucky enough to draw tags. We did our homework up front and have had GREAT experiences overall.

Do the legwork up front and know what you are getting yourself into. Treat the Owner Operators with courtesy and respect. Ask the right questions upfront and you will have a great time.

Optics for Western Hunters...
Sold by Western Hunters.
I have been up on Deseret a few times for cow hunts and have always been impressed. Good guides and I have never had any problems. I should draw again this year.
Do you mind sharing which CWMU unit you are talking about?

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
My wife has drawn cwmu cow tags. Scofield West was great....Jared tries to offer good advice. We've had this tag several times. She also drew Ensign Ranches and this tag was a joke. Ive heard the paying hunters think its paradise. Like everything else there's good and bad ones.

"I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains!"


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