CWD now in Texas Whitetail

Wyoming has had CWD for years now. Although it's not something that you would want in your deer herds, it doesn't seem to be as bad as originally thought.

Of course, that's in wild animals( Wyoming doesn't allow game farms)...

At least Texas should be able to control it due to all the affected deer being penned.
Researchers are showing plants to be carriers. Bad thing is it could be from a bale of alfalfa that was shipped in back during the drought from one of the high risk states.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-15 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]

I don't know of any place where it was imported where it stayed contained in penned deer only. It will inevitably make it into the wild population. And it remains to be seen how many other penned deer operations the affected pen shipped to.

By far the most likely explanation is this was brought in from an infected deer from out of state. Any way you look at it, bad news for Texas.

And the area this was discovered has a high deer density of about 1 deer per 5 acres.

venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Sorry to hear it, but I guess I'm not surprised. Hope it can be contained, but once there it seems impossible to eradicate.

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