

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-14 AT 01:48PM (MST)[p]I cant tell ya how many private messages I get week asking about units. I try to be honest what I know and if I don't know I am honest and say I really don't know much.

Few weeks ago I deleted a lot of my inbox. I am curious with all the guys that got the 109 mule deer tag last couple years on how ya did????? or even other tags you guys got. or maybe I just overlooked your success post

I have always gotten a thank you and any advice I need from them but never any pics

I have already been scammed on here trying to be helpful. And have never heard back from any I have helped about their outcomes.

But I am a quick learner.

I don't post on here often. But I have helped out a few people. I haven't heard from most either. But It really doesn't bother me much.... I have asked a couple of people for info on here. And they have been very good about it to.
I've asked for help, I've given help. There has never been an expectation others than a "thanks" and a few "pics".
I understand the frustration when help is given and never any contact afterwards.
It hasn't happened to me yet and if help is given to me I want to be the first guy to give credit where credit is due.

I've bounced some ideas off nfh but I've been looking to the future and the hunts have not taken place. But when and if they do I'll be posting pics!

I have helped several folks. I had one guy send me updates and when he and his son were successful, sent me pics. It was nice to see they appreciated the help.

I always appreciate the help I get.. but I'm not sure if I can get up the gumption to help out the guy asking for help that drew my 90-1 tag..... ;)
I am not frustrated or upset. I am just curious if my info ever helped. I know people get busy and forget.

last year some guy got a area 3 mountain goat tag. I got that tag the in 2011 the first they started it and I have been wanting to go again. I offered to take the guy but never got a reply. he did send a message asking for info and how a guide was to spendy so I offered to go and take some time off work. I am curious if he ever made It out or ate tag soup
I've helped out a few folks. Became lifelong friends with a few; and hunt with them whenever I get the chance. Then there are those who never said thanks or gave a hunt report. Now if I help someone, we pm back and forth several times before I decide how much info to give out.

In my opinion, if you are given valuable info on a hunt area, you should not be forgotten; I don't care how busy a guy is. If you had the time to seek out info, then by God you should have the time to thank someone for their help. JMO. It really does pi$$ me off when someone is too busy to at least offer some thanks. It speaks volumes about their character.
I agree with the above statements.

Too many guys are in the "whack and stack" mentality. They whack someting, throw a tape on it and decide that their hunt was just ruined (by the score) and then go back to work anc forget all about hunting until next year!

I can usually tell the guys who eat, drink and breathe hunting. Some of you MM guys qualify for this group. These are the kind of guys who make the most of every tag (not just with a kill). They live for the experiences that a hunt can bring. And always extend a thank-you when appropriate!

I helped a guy with a hunt a few years ago and never heard how the hunt went until he called for more help on another hunt, a year or two later. I'm not sure how much I knew the second time around! LOL

On the flip side: There's a guy helping me with a hunt right now. We've text, emailed and talked literally hundreds of times. We've become good friends and the relationship will not end when the critter hits the ground. That's the way things can work!

The best we can do is carry on,
I have given a lot of guys help IF I know about the area they have in question. Some have replied back and even sent me pictures and story about their hunt/s. Seems lately, I get a lot of questions sent to me and one was not even registered with MM so did not bother to reply.

I have met a number of MM'ers over the years and still stay in touch and exchange emails/PM's. In the last 38 years I have hunted in a number of locations in 6 western states, not as many as others, but I will try to help who I feel really needs the help and I can help. My hunting years are slowing down and if I can help, I will or at least put them in a location I know of or heard about.

HyoWyo, I've helped out several people over the years too. I've done so with no string attached and never asked for anything in return.

P.S. I'm the one who got your 90-1 tag. Care to help out:)
Open mouth, remove foot.

I have to make an apology to someone on here because they in fact messaged back to me and thanked me for my help. The other guys ticked me off so bad I just plain forgot. My mistake.

You know who you are, I see you on here a lot and you are welcome to ask for my help/advise anytime.

Most I have helped have been great, very thankful and report back which is nice to here how it went. There are a few I'd like to kick in the nuts. they get the info, go hunt then never reply back or post anything about the hunt but you still see them posting in other threads. Oh well.

With that said... If anyone in this thread has any advice for wyoming G please send me a p.m. and I pinkie promise I will report back and share pics. Honey holes are welcome! :)
It is weird as many I help are overwhelmed with graciousness and then there are those few that just are wanting and not thankful.

I would say it runs 75%/25% on the appreciative side of the house.


I'll in Wyo bow elk camp Sept 5th---13th in a 'G' overlap elk unit if ya wanna come bow hunt your muley tag for a few days!!

I have seen some --surprisingly-- good numbers of bucks in velvet and some ears wide with G-1's on my mid-May and then again on my mid-June scouting/hiking trips.....

if I haven't said thank you I apologize and I will say it now thank you all for the help in the past and in the future
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-14 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]Most that i have helped, both local and outa state, have gotten back to me after their hunts but i don't feel bad about PM'ing guys who don't, asking how they did. Usually they just got caught up in their hunts, returning back home, to work,... and forgot.

Far and away, everybody has appreciated any help i may have offered, even those who found the hunting a bit different than i did.

Generally myself, i post up a full hunt report with pic's after each and every hunt i go on. I'm careful to not pass on any private type help i received from other members but i will talk about places, conditions, and the game, that i found out on my own.

To each his own on that i guess.


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