CUPSY Lands 375 Pounder/Kona



Just got a call.

Sounds like the PLICKS are slayin big fish in Kona.

Rans pulls a big ole Tuna Fish Samich in I guess?

And Ya,CUPSY pulls this big ole 375 Pound Marlin in.

I think He's tellin stories again,what'ya think?

Sounds Fishy to me?

Anyway,here's the pic of CUPSY & the KONA Monster!

"Is one of those guys d13er? I always thought he was over 50. He posted one of the pics of a buck he and his kids took last year "
She don't look Hawaiian.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Looks like she just caught a glimpse of the needlefish in a previous post! Those things got some nasty teeth.

Looks like a lot of tuna being slayed......I hope its been cleaned properly!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-10 AT 05:28?PM (MST)

I'm with eel, i'm sure the sick bastid landed a 375##!

please pm me some advice on removing that damn bra without getting hurt....hurry.....please

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I am not an "insider." Are we non-insiders supposed to believe the guy with the dip in his carhartt pocket T is d13'er?

Not buying it. The guy in the picture holding the bait fish appears to be a happy, content, jolly old nice guy. What up?
>I am not an "insider."
>Are we non-insiders supposed to
>believe the guy with the
>dip in his carhartt pocket
>T is d13'er?
>Not buying it. The guy
>in the picture holding the
>bait fish appears to be
>a happy, content, jolly old
>nice guy. What up?


We are all sitting here laughing good about that one...including the plick jb himself.

>Man I'm glad I had to
>leave early so I would
>not have to see that

LOL Gridman....but with 7 posts Ransom says you could not possibly be an insider.

>>Man I'm glad I had to
>>leave early so I would
>>not have to see that
>LOL Gridman....but with 7 posts Ransom
>says you could not possibly
>be an insider.

Ransom is already in bed
>>>Man I'm glad I had to
>>>leave early so I would
>>>not have to see that
>>LOL Gridman....but with 7 posts Ransom
>>says you could not possibly
>>be an insider.

>Ransom is already in bed

hahahaha wrong as usual you plick!
In the Far distance I hear an Echo...............
"I'm on a boat ####er ####er"!
Man I can't imagine the repentage that's gonna have to take place when you Boy's finish this vacation up?
Good Luck on the fishing today,We're still waiting for pics of CUPSY,he must be waiting for the big boy to strike!

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