"Crying wolf" movie


Long Time Member
Good video: http://vimeo.com/28858208

There have been a lot of people post: "Would you SSS if you see a wolf while hunting". I have always said no.

But after watching this video, I have another question: If you owned a ranch in wolf central and wolves were harassing and killing your livestock, would you shoot them on sight on your property, if not legal?"

My answer: absolutely

Wolves on my property would be no different than a person trespassing on my property and randomly killing my livestock.

I realize I am preaching to the choir, but thought the video was good enough to share.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
That's the whole thing with wolves. The only reason they were introduced was to reek havoc.

If someone really loved wolves, would they put them in a situation where they would always be in conflict with man? Where their complex social structure is always in upheaval? No, it has nothing to do with wolves per say. In fact, these people behind wolves probably dislike them as much as anyone. They just need them for their agenda.

That's why I feel that killing one is not poaching. Killing one to me would be like slapping a wacko anti capitalist environmentalist.

The whole point is moot now though. Wolves have spread to the point there is no turning back. Hunting alone could never stop their spread.

Eelgrass....you hit the nail on the head. Just a tool to further their agenda. These people don't "love animals" near so much as they despise humans. I wish they would rectify their own hypocracy and remove themselves from competing for oxygen with the animals.
>That's the whole thing with wolves.
>The only reason they were
>introduced was to reek havoc.
>If someone really loved wolves, would
>they put them in a
>situation where they would always
>be in conflict with man?
>Where their complex social structure
>is always in upheaval? No,
>it has nothing to do
>with wolves per say. In
>fact, these people behind wolves
>probably dislike them as much
>as anyone. They just need
>them for their agenda.
>That's why I feel that killing
>one is not poaching. Killing
>one to me would be
>like slapping a wacko anti
>capitalist environmentalist.
>The whole point is moot now
>though. Wolves have spread to
>the point there is no
>turning back. Hunting alone could
>never stop their spread.

Very well said........Eel for President!! ;-)
I put this on my FB page... Needless to say the same kid I am in a never ending battle over wolves is all over it. It could get interesting. Anyone want to take a look and add your thoughts?

It is moot exactly like Eel says. Life in the West is taking a major U turn we just don't know it yet. Just a little side note, I heard a story about a local who lives not far from me. Was up on a hunting trip last fall and whacked a wolf. Wolf had a collar and so to be cute they affixed the tracking collar to a railroad box car in town. Feds tracked the collar from Montana to a rail yard in New York, found the collar, and were able to produce DNA or fingerprint evidence sufficient to render a conviction on unlawful kill of protected wildlife. Guy is now doing a stint in federal prison for it or so I understand.
I was in Yellowstone for awhile last weekend. Managed to see 2 Grizzlies roaming around. May be too early yet, but we did not see any calves among the elk or the buffalo that were in the meadows. Didn't see many yearling elk either. Was a fairly mild winter in this area this year. Some good snow falls during the month of March and one big one in April that I recall so winterkill should have been minimal. No wolves sighted. Has been several years since I was in the park, but the elk and buffalo numbers seemed to be way low from what I remember in the past too.
1911: That seems to stretch the credibility of even CSI personel. Sounds like someone talked to me.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Good move Big DD. I just added it to my facepage as well.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON May-08-12 AT 07:29AM (MST)[p]>It is moot exactly like Eel
>says. Life in the
>West is taking a major
>U turn we just don't
>know it yet. Just
>a little side note, I
>heard a story about a
>local who lives not far
>from me. Was up
>on a hunting trip last
>fall and whacked a wolf.
> Wolf had a collar
>and so to be cute
>they affixed the tracking collar
>to a railroad box car
>in town. Feds tracked
>the collar from Montana to
>a rail yard in New
>York, found the collar, and
>were able to produce DNA
>or fingerprint evidence sufficient to
>render a conviction on unlawful
>kill of protected wildlife.
>Guy is now doing a
>stint in federal prison for
>it or so I understand.

This simply is not true. Amazes me the crap that gets posted on the net.
A very nicely done, glitzy, propaganda piece.

The presentation and the music with quotes from extremists in the introduction, tell you right away this is a biased propaganda piece. Then with the double speak from the ranchers and other inclusions just adds to the excitement...

He is selling his ideology and that is fine. But take it for what it is; he is selling his idea of how things are. Presented in a very professional way and in a documentary style which is sure to have the choir eating it up.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-12 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]Imagine that, trying to sell people that your ideas have merit. What is the world coming too!

Excluding the references to religion, please inform us of any untruths in the film.

There certainly have been lies told on the other side of the coin. If this video told any lies, I didn't catch them, so enlighten us. Not talking about opinions about how nature works/should work, but hard number lies such as the lies told about what numbers of wolves would be considered "recovered". I personally believe the numbers they gave as to the north Yellowstone herd and the moose population that is plummeting, so if these are untrue, please show us the facts. Or if you think anyone is lying about the damage to their herds or outfitting businesses....


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON May-09-12 AT 02:00PM (MST)[p]Well, I don't see any overt lies here, except maybe the quote from the old wolf hunter that wolves did more damage to bison populations than humans did. Other than that, it is very well produced and documented. It does look like it is a well-intentioned effort but you really do have to say it is obviously and painfully one-sided and his conclusions are dogmatic and it is obvious that the whole film project never acheived any sense of objectivity on the issue. That being said, it is a good sounding board for the voices of the "5%" that the video describes.

The big issue it brings up is that the people who live in the area really have no say in the management of their resources or land. That is the real tragedy.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

You do realize that the young of the year have not been born yet?

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Care to post a link to this, surely it made the newspaper, being such a wide far fetched story and all.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Certainly a biased, one sided video. Pretty self evident. But someone needed to set the record straight on what this is doing to those people and game populations at ground zero.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Explain creasy - would love to hear your opinion.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Yea creasy explain a little better!! I too live at ground zero and see HUGE!!!! Negative impacts to this little science project. I have seen ungulate populations plummet and I have heard the lies by the wildlife manager elite... Please explain how the destruction of some of the finest hunting resources in the west is simply beating a dead horse????
So, you are saying your personal opinion is cached somewhere on an internet server and we can find it by employing the search engine capabilities of Google.com?

Come on, just give us your opinion. We all know the issues. We all know the arguments. You said you live at ground zero and that this video doesn't really represent what is going on. Please clarify that in your own words.

Are you are saying that you are happy that the aspen and willow populations are now better off because of the decline in elk grazing due to lower population numbers and "fear induced behavior modification"?


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Basically what your saying greasy is you have no idea what your talking about. Your just one of those copy and paste debaters....

Well I form my opinions on real life experiences things I see with my own eye's! I can tell you first hand. Wolves are like an invasive weed spreading across the west... Kind of like Canadian Thistle!!! A weed with a political agenda!
No I am not saying my opinion is cached somewhere, what I have saying is if you are willing and able to educate yourself and put forth a little effort you will find facts, hard facts, not rhetoric from some silly movie. But then you have to be willing and able,,,,,,,,,,,
Wow Creasy, you have posted 4 times of your 51 total on this thread and have said exactly............nothing. Not one person on this thread has any idea on which side of the issue you are. Are all your posts so informative?

BTW, thanks for enlightening us who God really is: Google! Has all the answers.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>AT 07:29?AM (MST)

>>It is moot exactly like Eel
>>says. Life in the
>>West is taking a major
>>U turn we just don't
>>know it yet. Just
>>a little side note, I
>>heard a story about a
>>local who lives not far
>>from me. Was up
>>on a hunting trip last
>>fall and whacked a wolf.
>> Wolf had a collar
>>and so to be cute
>>they affixed the tracking collar
>>to a railroad box car
>>in town. Feds tracked
>>the collar from Montana to
>>a rail yard in New
>>York, found the collar, and
>>were able to produce DNA
>>or fingerprint evidence sufficient to
>>render a conviction on unlawful
>>kill of protected wildlife.
>>Guy is now doing a
>>stint in federal prison for
>>it or so I understand.

>This simply is not true. Amazes
>me the crap that gets
>posted on the net.

Maybe not. That's why I said I heard a story.


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