Cry Wolf


Long Time Member
Some of you might enjoy watching this hour-long film.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-11 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]Great film and I am very familiar with the areas involved.

I am disgusted with the way it turned out. Rules were changed daily to accomodate the wolf freaks. The justice system was raped by these losers and Judge Malloy allowed it. I'm sure 99% of people, including me, would have been fine with 100 wolves living in YNP and shot onsight outside the boundaries.

What a disaster this turned out to be and the justice system and ignorance from both sides are to blame.
Watched every minute of it. Didn't have any quality issues- it was done very well, and it kept my attention the whole time...

Nice to get some "feet on the ground" opinions from the folks most impacted by the wolves' devastation. I will be forwarding this link to as many people as I know... I know they will appreciate it as well...

On a side note- my confidence and appreciation for the RMEF was boosted a lot by listiening to David Allen I think it was?). I think that'll be one of the first organizations I join once I am out of school and can afford it... I especially liked his comments about the privatization of hunting as a negative...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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