cry laughing

LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]I'll be sure NOT to see that one. Nick Cage Lets us down again, and to have that kind of language, coming from a little girl is absurd.IMO
Charming. Let's exploit this young lady for some shock jock humor.
well it was only a matter of time..... so she is a few years
early? i'm going to hell cause i thought it was gut busting hilarious.
Wow. I guess this can start a great debate. Which is worse; a movie that exploits an underage girl in sexually explicit situations (kiddie porn)- or one that exploits her through extreme violence and foul language? Would this be just as funny to you if she were a domimatrix?

Where do we draw the line between violence and pornography as exploitation?

And don't even try to make the argument that the violence is a liberating factor for her. If you can't make that same argument about sex (which many extreme radical feminists have done over and over again as a justification for the adult porn industry - saying that if the portrayal of violence by strong female characters in movies and televison is liberating and empowering for women then the same can be said for female characters who control through sexual encounters...)then you can't make it for violence either. Sorry but I don't find it funny or entertaining and it saddens me that we can exploit children in this way and get away with it in society when we know it is just as wrong as the other ways in which children are exploited - i.e. child pornography.

I mean what does this say about our society? Which crime do we punish more severely, child pornography or murder? Which one do we glorify more? Even in general - which one is worse? Or are they both equally as damaging?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]or is it because she dropped the f and c bomb?

did you watch Leon? same difference.

i'm not saying that it is right. just that it was instinctively funny.

besides, she likes benchmade knives....
last thing I want to go see is a filthy mouth 9 year old. Im surprised they didn't show her topless for the freaks that would actually go see this stupid movie. i hope they loose big time with this one.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 02:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 02:37?PM (MST)

>AT 01:52?PM (MST)

>or is it because she dropped
>the f and c bomb?
>did you watch Leon? same difference.

When you say Leon you are referring of course to the movie that was entitled in the US as "The Professional" starring a young Natalie Portman and the french actor Jean Reno. And yes- there is a comparison to be made there. But in that movie, the character Mathilde a 12 year old girl whose family is killed by a pyschotic dirty DEA agent was portrayed both as a victim of and active participant in the violence involved. And although she trains as though she is going to be a "cleaner" like Leon, she never actually engages in the violence. She is confronted by it all around her but in the end Leon spares her from actually committing any.

And as you said - it doesn't make it any less wrong. In fact in his review of that movie Roger Ebert said "Always at the back of my mind was the troubled thought that there was something wrong about placing a 12-year-old character in the middle of this action." "In what is essentially an exercise - a slick urban thriller - it seems to exploit the youth of the girl without really dealing with it." So yes, you are right - same difference. Child exploitation is child exploitation. It was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

But that still doesn't explain to me why you see see it as funny. And it is not just because it involves a 12 yr. old who drops the F bomb and the C bomb, but the violence and exploitation that accompanies it.

A 12 yr old girl who drops the F bomb and the C bomb is not funny to me at all - it is sad. Neither is it appropriate for a 12 yr old boy who does the same - this even coming from someone who even at a much younger age than that had already actively acquired such a vocabulary. To me it marks a loss of inherent innocence that I don't think we as a society should try to glorify. I hope this movie bombs and Nicholas Cage loses the rest of his money.

Besides that - her choice of a butterfly knife over a stilleto clearly illustrates her lack of maturity. In essence she is exchanging usefulness and effectiveness for flair and bravado - a sure sign of a character flaw! ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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