Cruise Photos


Very Active Member
Some of you asked for photos from out cruise, so here they are. My daughter took most of the photos and put them in collages to save on room... Here are some of them..

This is what most of you were wanting, but this is the only photo of this type I will post... unless I come across some more... ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-09 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]We were on the Sapphire Princess...


Some shots of the inside of the ship:

Our first port was Puerta Vallarta:

The 2nd stop was in Mazatlan: The kids done the parasail thing while they were there...

This was the sunrise as we got to Mazatlan:
Some neat photos on the beach at Mazatlan...

Then on to Cabo San Lucas...hanging with the Iguanas

Some scenery around Cabo..

A couple of the kids went in a glass bottom boat in Cabo...

There were a lot of whales, dolpins, and flying fish as we left Cabo...but they were hard to get photos of..

Now the main reason we went....To Eat!!! as if we needed it..


Some of the dishes we were served...very fancy and elegant, and some were very interesting...We had squid, frog legs, escargo, as well as many other delicasy items... and the deserts were out of this world...

And here is our crew after they fattened us up for a week! LOL

If you guys want to make your wife and family happy for a few days, take them on a cruise. They feed you and pamper you like you have never been pampered in your life. There is tons of entertainment and activities on the ship from morning until late at night. There are different bands you can listen to, plays, games, and even education instruction classes. The cost is really minimal for all the food and entertainment you get plus your room, plus you get to see lots of new and interesting places..
Hope you all enjoy this short look into our vacation..
Great pictures AR, they bring back a lot of really great memories. We did that same cruise a year ago. I agree with you about making your wife happy. Nowhere else will they be treated like they in the formal dining room.

And isn't that one awesome boat? It amazes me the efficient way they operate. Especially in the ports where you tender in. We were on a cruise a few years ago where in one port they had to tender in and there were seven big cruise ships in port that day. I figure they mobilized and transported well over 8000 people in to shore and back in one day. Flawlessly. The organization is amazing.

But I don't see any pictures of Senor Frogs or Cabo Wabo. What the heck man? You missed some fun.
Looks like a great trip Rick. We leave in two weeks for our 28 day cruise on the Sun Princess. Thanks for the post.
Senor' Frogs


Interesting Sign In Cabo..

El Squid Roe...

Introducing my son to the Hooter girls!!!!

And one for you guys who don't want to go out for the shows!!!LOL Seen in NV on the way home...

Can't find a CaboWabo one, but bet my daughter has one...
Your daughter took the first picture?????

uh hu .........Right!

Good cover storie though, I will try to remember that next time I have my camera at the beach.

sorry stinkystomper...I think that one was from my son's camera... LOL... I didn't even think of that when I posted it....
And Jim, I'm trying to get you to see how much fun we are going to have on this hunt when you come down..

I just told everyone I'd post pics, and just following thru...
Just didn't get the pics all of you guys least not too many of them.....
So, I take it you enjoyed yourself????? Thanks for posting the photos, it's obvious you guys had a good time. Gotta take some vacations that mom wants too, that way it's easier to do the hunting ones later.
Looks like your trip was a good one Rick. Great pictures and time well spent with family.

After looking at some of your photos I sure do miss Cabo.. My favorite town in Mexico or at least baja.

Thanks for sharing..

i was hoping and praying this wasn't going to be another thread about Tom Cruise, you leave that to me :). looks like a great time for you and the family, excellent pictures

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