Criminal Justice


Long Time Member
I start a new class tonight, criminal justice. You guys have any good cop jokes?? I like to piss my instructors off first night of class so if you have any good ones let's hear em!! :) Thanks!![/IMG] ~Z~
Oh how's about "Anyone know any good BBQ recipes for pigs?", or chant going into class "I smell bacon, I smell grease, I smell the god damn police?". How about walking into class saying, "Anyone know any good lawyers, I have got a clear cut case of police brutality."
You know the difference between a cop and a puppy?
When the puppy gets big it quits whineing.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
lol some good ones!! Thanks fellas, I'll use some of em next week for sure!! Tonight they were having wifi connection problems so I wasn't able to get on here long enough to read em during class.[/IMG] ~Z~
All three of my brother-in-laws were/are cops/detectives at some point in the last 10 years. They are good guys but they said most cops are gay....mostly cuz they wear floppy hats and hang out with old fisherman! :) Some even go as far as posting on MM while in class...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Good one, Joey! Ya, I don't see n_c wanting to work more than 10 days a month either...although there isn't good wifi while youre out cutting fire breaks...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>All three of my brother-in-laws were/are
>cops/detectives at some point in
>the last 10 years. They
>are good guys but they
>said most cops are gay....mostly
>cuz they wear floppy hats
>and hang out with old
>fisherman! :) Some even go
>as far as posting on
>MM while in class...

Did somebody say GOOD cop? Do you know one? Do you know any cop that treats his wife or kids like they're not subordinates. How about one that doesn't think he's better than everybody else or can treat anybody any way he wants and you can't do anything about it..."cause HE'S a cop. I'd rather work at the DI or be on welfare than admit I'm a cop. Find me one that doesn't think he's better than you...I dare you!

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 06:39AM (MST)[p]Alright plicks here's the deal!! Of course I don't want to work more than 10 days a month...who in their right mind does?? lol I'm not going to school to be a cop though, this is my last elective class so I figured I might as well take something was criminal justice or creative writing!! I think this class will be more educational as I get to do plenty of creative writing here on MM!!

Joey, starting today, for the next 4 days I am taking a wildfire training class (true story!!) so I can go out and fight fires with my uncle and cousin this summer. They both own their own fire trucks so I'll be working for them. I usually take the entire summer off from the hotel anyways, at least this way I'll have the option to do something else IF I want to :) I'll probably be way to busy scouting velvet bucks but having the option to go on fire calls will be cool.

Right now I've had zero sleep since Tuesday afternoon and won't get more than 3 hours tonight after fire class. Gotta work all night tonight then fire class all damn day again tomorrow...then I can finally sleep Friday night!! Then two dates with two strippers in two nights starting Saturday...I need rest before that!![/IMG] ~Z~
Never as a firefighter, All I see him doing is looking for sheds during the fires. Good Luck hope you get the job.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Whats the difference between a cop convention and a porcupine??
> The porcupine has 10,000 prix on the outside!!!!
I doen no wun uf de top of me hed - but juzt add Claude Dallas and Nazi Idaho fish cops n theirs a joke in theyre sum plase!
No! NO! Not a joke! The fire triangle is the first thing you learn about fire fighting. Fire needs three things in order to burn. Fuel, oxygen, and heat.


Your job as a fire fighter is to remove one or more sides of the triangle. If you remove one or more sides of the triangle, the fire will go out.

The idea of building a fire line is to remove the fuel. Poof! the fire goes out.

Shoveling dirt on a fire, or smothering it, removes the oxygen. Poof! the fire goes out.

Putting water on a fire removes the heat and the oxygen at the same time. Poof! the fire goes out.

Don't say I never taught you guys anything. It only took over 10,000 posts, but I did it!:)

>Did somebody say GOOD cop? Do
>you know one? Do you
>know any cop that treats
>his wife or kids like
>they're not subordinates. How about
>one that doesn't think he's
>better than everybody else or
>can treat anybody any way
>he wants and you can't
>do anything about it..."cause HE'S
>a cop. I'd rather work
>at the DI or be
>on welfare than admit I'm
>a cop. Find me one
>that doesn't think he's better
>than you...I dare you!
>For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE

Wow longbow guess you have had some bad experiences to make a general and broad statement like that .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 06:40PM (MST)[p]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>Did somebody say GOOD cop? Do
>>you know one? Do you
>>know any cop that treats
>>his wife or kids like
>>they're not subordinates. How about
>>one that doesn't think he's
>>better than everybody else or
>>can treat anybody any way
>>he wants and you can't
>>do anything about it..."cause HE'S
>>a cop. I'd rather work
>>at the DI or be
>>on welfare than admit I'm
>>a cop. Find me one
>>that doesn't think he's better
>>than you...I dare you!
>>For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
>Wow longbow guess you have had
>some bad experiences to make
>a general and broad statement
>like that .

Plus one!!!
Eel, yea I knew what the triangle was but they actually didn't even go over it in the class today. On the sub I had to know how to put out Class Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta fires so understanding the triangle and different extinguishing methods for each was essential. dude I didn't know any of that :) I don't want you to think you never taught me anything lol. You're a badass Eel, keep up the good work man!![/IMG] ~Z~
>Did somebody say GOOD cop? Do
>you know one? Do you
>know any cop that treats
>his wife or kids like
>they're not subordinates. How about
>one that doesn't think he's
>better than everybody else or
>can treat anybody any way
>he wants and you can't
>do anything about it..."cause HE'S
>a cop. I'd rather work
>at the DI or be
>on welfare than admit I'm
>a cop. Find me one
>that doesn't think he's better
>than you...I dare you!
>For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE

You forgot the part where they project prejudicial stereotypes onto groups of people, assuming to know those whom they have never met..... I feel bad for those who take such a cynical view on others and willingly besmirch the honorable service of many men and women.

Good luck on your quest. You'll need it. Like an atheist in search of God I doubt you'll find what you are looking for. Self fulfilled prophecy is a powerful thing.

One more thing. What is wrong with working at the DI longbow? Do you suppose yourself to be superior to those who do? Your post drips of irony from start to finish.

>You forgot the part where they
>project prejudicial stereotypes onto groups
>of people, assuming to know
>those whom they have never
>met..... I feel bad
>for those who take such
>a cynical view on others
>and willingly besmirch the honorable
>service of many men and
>Good luck on your quest.
>You'll need it. Like
>an atheist in search of
>God I doubt you'll find
>what you are looking for.
>Self fulfilled prophecy is a
>powerful thing.
>One more thing. What is
>wrong with working at the
>DI longbow? Do you
>suppose yourself to be superior
>to those who do?
>Your post drips of irony
>from start to finish.

Ok admit they're not all bad and I also admit I was too abrupt in what I said. It's just that the last five or so cops I've come in contact with have had major attitudes. I use to love and defend cops up until last year. And no I didn't get in any trouble last year. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings.
Normally I don't chime in on these discussions but thought I would lend some perspective. Coming from a person who wears blue every day it is kind of hard to read some of these comments. I agree there are many badge heavy cops out there who love to exude their power and authority. I am honored to say I'm not one of them and know other law enforcement officers who frequently post on this site who are the same. I take pride in the work I do and have seen a fair amount of bad things over the past ten years that have unfortunately changed my outlook on certain aspects in life. It is a daily battle for me to try and not be overly cynical. It is a challenge to see drugs, alcohol, gang violence, traffic accidents and other misc. problems tear families apart on a daily basis and then not have a strong opinion on issues such as crime whether it be drug peddling, common theft, or yes, even traffic violations. I have watched two kids die within the last couple of weeks on traffic accidents that could have been avoided if a stop sign was adhered to or a speed limit was respected.

Each is entitled to their opinion however I am always reluctant to bash a group due to a skewed stereotype. Are all lawyers liars and cheats? Are all business executives rich arrogant pricks? Are all salesmen full of crap? Every profession has a group of people that give the rest a bad name...including fellow sportsman and hunters. I'm grateful there are men and women who are willing to serve and protect this country whether it be in a police or military uniform. I don't expect all to understand what the pressures of the job are and I don't feel sorry for the profession I'm in. I would just ask each who has a strong opinion one way or another to look at all angles before bashing any particular group due to a possibly skewed opinion based on a few negative experiences.

Just my .02, thanks for reading and sorry I'm so long winded.
Ahmen sixgunn , very well written . It's a thankless job for sure , and we can't make every body happy all the time . 19 years in uniform for me , and I have seen and been involved in things and events that nobody should have to witness . To this day though my motto is treat others as I would like to be treated , and I think I do a bang up job of being that kind of guy that is nice and pleasant until the time when a person shows me they don't deserve my kindness .

Like sixgunn I'm also grateful there are men and women who are willing to protect and serve society . From the little things like changing grandma's tire on the freeway to the ultimate sacrifice of giving ones life to protect some one they probably don't even know . The world and society would be a different and scary place if those above mentioned men and women would not have taken the oath to serve the public .
Well, the thread today is about cops.....sorta' ...till it got out of hand.

Tomorrow it may be lawyers, contractors or whoever.

You guys wearing the badge have my utmost respect and thanks.

That said, be know some of your brothers that are, "badge heavy",never heard that one.

I have 3 LEOs' in my family. One is just plain mean, in my opinion; 1 is borderline heavy; and 1 can turn it on at work and shut it off like a light switch, off duty.

Every profession has it's weaker employees.

Best you can hope for is to KNOW and be sure that the negative stuff is NOT about you.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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