Looks like miracles might happen?
Been waiting 14 years for this to finally happen!
Don't know if the UDWR finally got tired of my BS or if it was the crisp 100.00's I've been sending?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 07:21AM (MST)[p]Holy Smokes!! The biggest party in the Basin is about to commence!! I sure hope it wasn't a mis-charge and they take it back!! How many choices did you put in for? Congrats boys!!!
very cool bcat.

elk or deer? and is stinky going to come help you:) i believe he owes you one;)
Or is someone playing a very cruel April fools joke on you? Or you on us?

I hope its for real BOP
Don't ya think APRIL 1ST is a little early for credit cards to get smacked Bobcat.

What an ass!! You may be cursed for this B-Bop!! You should have thought a little more about this, drawing a coveted tag is nothing to joke about:)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]Bad Kitty!!

The only hit you have on your card is from Walmart and those 7:00AM 7-Eleven MTN Dew's you are buying lol...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]>WTF!! Who gave KBD the new
>password to get into the
>campfire section??

thanks for the warm welcome;)
Well boz,
Hook,line,sinker & the best 'set' I've pulled off in a while,how'd it feel when the hook went in deep?
I woke up in a sweat,figured I'd best let people know what had finally happened in that dream,and then being April Fools day I just couldn't resist.
Then never_catch plays along & helps me with the set,lol!
And thanks Wisz,I appreciate the comment from that 'I'd hit it' mentality of yours,lol!
Well B_BOP_A LU LU_WHO _WHO____ It aint gonna be no joke when I pull that bull tag!!! Don't worry you are invited in my camp anytime!!!
You pull that tag with your whoppin points you have accumulated & I'll be packing your gun for you,lol!
I sent out a mass text yesterday morning to all the hunters I know who don't live on here...told them I drew San Juan Archery Elk and to let me know what they drew. A bunch sent texts back saying congrats and really?? But...the best response was from my boss!! He writes back "I drew Beaver last night. But it wasn't an ELK tag ;-)" LMAO


Well B-bop I just got back from the doctors office this morning from getting that deep hook in my throat out. He said it would heal up fine and not to worry. I did not put in for Utardia this year so I really did not know when the draw was. Damn what a nice set up!! Oh well, I still wish you the best in the draw!!! :)
>I sent out a mass text
>yesterday morning to all the
>hunters I know who don't
>live on here...told them I
>drew San Juan Archery Elk
>and to let me know
>what they drew. A bunch
>sent texts back saying congrats
>and really?? But...the best response
>was from my boss!! He
>writes back "I drew Beaver
>last night. But it wasn't
>an ELK tag ;-)" LMAO

You guys are happy that your credit cards are getting smacked.....I'm happy my cyber bank account is getting fatter...
I wasn't kidding!

$30 license x 3
$30 application fees x 3

Mine got hit 3 different times. I got that stink look from my wife 3 different times. Wait til it gets hit for a Buff tag, a moose tag and 2 elk tags!!! Ok just dreaming but it never hurts.

It's always an adventure!!!

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