credit card fraud


Long Time Member
So I was on line checking my credit card account the other day and noticed an item that I know I did not charge.

This has never happened to me before and I blew up!

I called the credit card company and disputed it. They are launching an "investigation", whatever the heck that means.

I called the company that made the claim against my account. They said it was my name and my card number, but that's all they would tell me, ecxept it was for a $50 gift card.

I then called the credit card company and demanded they close that account and issue me a new card and number, which I guess they are doing. I guess I stopped the bleeding.

How often does something like this happen? Has it happened to any of you?

I don't mind paying my bills, but I sure don't want to pay somebody elses.

That sucks Eel... Only time I have had something like this happen was with my Paypal account...Someone tried to get me for close to $500... Paypal contacted the person and I got my money back but it still scared me and I closed the account...I Hate Thieves!!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Happened to me once. We use a company credit card for all fuel and auto repair purchases and I was looking over the bill and found a charge to Sew Time Tee Shirts in the amount of $ 96.00. I called the credit card company and they put a dispute on the charge. In the mean time I am reading all the drivers the riot act about using the card for personal purchases. Turns out that Sew Time was a parent company to a Car Wash Oil change chain as well. I had to apologize to a few drivers.
Year and a half ago got hit for 800+ dollars. Was at the grocery store and my card would not go through? I know I had money in the account?
Just had time to make it to the bank and found my account frozen.
Got a call that evening from a Protection Agency I forgot I had
and was informed that a airline ticket had been purchased online from Atlanta to another country.
From there to Russia for a charge of 3200.00, that was when they froze the account.
Got everything back plus a new account.
Joined Life Lock too.
I've had it happen a few times and the wifes had it happen once I think. No biggy, the credit card company goes after em, gets your money back, changes your account numbers and sends you new cards. It can happen to anyone. Just think about everytime you've used your card, all it takes is for some disgruntled employee somewhere along the line to get ya.

I now have identity theft protection through my home owners insurance and run my credit report through equifax at least twice a yr. I'm always checking bank balances and such and am on the lookout for this crap just to be safe.
Thanks for all the words of encouragement. At least all my hunt apps. were in prior months and have cleared.

Funny, I just left the bank this afternoon.....2nd time in a year for me. No more on line purchases on my cards.
My card was compromised the previous weekend for $1600 at various hotels in Cal. The card company is investigating and it looks like we won't be responsible for the charges. It really pays to watch your accounts closely.
My paypal account got hit by Nigerians somehow once. They ordered a computer to be shipped to Nigeria. I reported it and had the card company stop payment.

Another time, my Cabela's card got hit and someone spent $3,200 for a leather jacket and some currency exchanges in Turkey. Cabela's took care of it and issued me a new card.

I still have no idea how both instances occurred.
Now there goes your surprise birthday present that your dear wife was going to give you get nothing. j/k
I always check my accounts and don't hesitate to contact them if I don't recognize the charge.


I work for the governmental credit card consumer agency aka GCCCA. Please send me your credit card number so I can look into this and hold those responsible accountable! I only need your newly issued credit card number to do my job. As one of Obamas team you can put your full faith and trust in me. God bless. Josh in Nigeria. Whoops did I say that? I meant USA.
Thats just great Eel, now how am I going to pay for my dad's fathers day gift???

"If it moves shoot it again"

LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-10 AT 06:41AM (MST)[p]HEY EEL!! I went to a strip club once and slid my card in the "slot" to try and pay for a lap dance. Was that credit card abuse or fraud? Because "they" were fake and my Credit Card still smells!!! :)

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