Cream of Crap Soup........


Funniest part about this post is that mans' face!!!!

I don't care who you are, or what your political position is, our President is a goofy lookin' dude.

The cartoonists are going to have a happy 4 years!
Reminds me of the French Canadians trudging along the Northern Tundra off Cheech and Chongs "Wedding Album".
Crunch,crunch crunch...pause..what EEZ THAT??? Look like Dog Sheet...pick it up...UUHH??? PEEK EET UP!! Feels like Dog Sheeet...Taste eet.....UUUUHHHH?.... TASTE EET!..taste like dog sheet..good theenng we dee'nt step een it...crunch,crunch...crunch
Get ready to see a long line of these dishes that the Osama administration will be bringing out to serve up to the American public.

Most are pork flavored though.

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