Crazies Meat Processor



Reputable processors near White Sulfur, Martinsdale,Two Dot, Harlowton, Melville, Wilsall? Preferrably with vac pack. I'm sure I can track one down in Livingston or Bozeman, but that's a long haul.

Thanks in advance,
I'm not sure any more. I used to use Crazy Mountain Meats in Clyde Park, but they are no longer there.

As for Bozo or Livingston be careful where you go.

I'd avoid using Yellowstone Meats in Bozeman, unless they've changed the way the process wild game. You never knew if you got your own back or not.

Also avoid Sheep Mountain meats in Livingston. I had a beef done there and was not impressed with the way they cut it up.

Currently we have our beef processed at Pioneer Meats in Big Timber. I don't know if they take wild game or not. They do do a great job with processing and make some really good specialty meats.

Not sure if this helps much.
In White Sulphur Springs is a very good Meat Cutter there. It is PIERCE MEAT CUTTING 415 East Main W.S.S., MT
The area code is not on their card but the number is 547-3467 or 547-3466
Doug & Rita Pierce

We used their services back in 2005 I think it was and fast and very reliable.


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