Crap- Poison Oak Already


Long Time Member
I took my son, Canyon,(7 Yrs old) out scouting a few night ago and I just now noticed myself scratching my forearm...and sure enough it's poison oak. I generally wear long-sleeve shirts while out hunting/scouting but I didn't this particular evening. You guys get it very bad? I guess it's time to break out the rubbing alcohol. Bummer!!

I used to get poison oak BAD! I would swell up like a poisoned pup. I try to avoid it like the plague now. I mostly hunt at higher elevations where it doesn't grow.

Don't scratch it!

When I was in high school my buddies and I cut wood for gas and beer money and we were always in poison oak it seemed and my friends Mom told me to dab it with bleach.. yep.. regular bleach and a cotton ball. Dries it right up.. Don't know why but it worked on us.
WIZMAN.....................YOU JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I will be infected!....just from you mentioning it!

Damnit, I live 70 miles from the nearest poison oak bush, but nobody alive gets it worse than me.....thanks for exposing me you rat!
We have tons of poison oak where I live and hunt blacktails and turkeys. We use Tecnu poison oak and ivy cleanser. It works great, but you have to start using it early for best results. I don't breakouts, hardly at all, but my son can barely come in contact with it and he breaks out all over. What he normally does is shower with Tecnu if he even thinks he's been exposed. Rubbing alcohol didn't do much to help him, and we've never tried bleach.
Sorry to hear that Nickman....POISON OAK!! HaHa

POISON OAK!! Why should I go through it alone?!


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