Craigslist Anger



LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-10 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]Why can't people just say what they are thinking and quit beating around the bush?

Here is the MM friendly version

You silly scammers (St George)

Date: 2010-03-05, 12:46AM MST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Let's go over a couple things. If I'm selling three things on one CraigsList ad and I receive
an email asking "I like know if this item is still available" I am stuck assuming that you are a scammer.

Everyone knows not to accept a personal check from Peru. I don't mean to be a "PLICK", but who are you and
what school did you gag your way through that you don't know how to run a decent scam?

Why not say "I need the Dildo you are selling. Will you accept $80?" Whatever comes after that is up to you,
but at least this way your foot is in the door. It's not so much that you waste my time as much as it is
you just making a poor, recycled effort.

I'll tell you what, instead of you looking like a PLick head and NOT getting my s%@t, let's just meet up. We'll fist fight,
I'll tea bag you, you'll cry and then I'll give you $20 for simply making my day. Make no mistake, you're most likely sucking one
right now, so it's not out of your comfort zone AND you make some quick money!

You "KITTIES" are the reason Americas Stupidest Criminals is such a hit. Without your hive-mind there'd be nothing for the rest of
us to laugh at. What sucks even more than your full, wet-lips is that for the life of me I can't think of any way for us to come together
and squash your s%@t out.

I think CraigsList has the might to do something about it, but with as many of you nob-gobblers as there are it's near impossible to
pursue a campaign against "unloosed retards gone amok". Instead I'm left with hate letters that don't convey my thoughts as they should
because I don't want to get flagged for using statements like "Your mother is a ditch for "MY SEED". (oops)


?Location: St George
?it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1629357792
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-10 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]I just checked the link and it worked.
PM sent

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
I've got a fully camouflaged Suzuki Samurai for sale on there right now and you wouldn't believe the idiots that tell me their ready to buy it without knowing anything about it. My ad only states to call my phone number for details and yet I still get people emailing me ready to send the "cashiers check". For the life of me I can't fathom the possibility that people could be dumb enough to accept "cashiers checks" but apparently they are.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I've no idea what that is all about........but DANG, you're pretty worked up!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I got the PM Bosox, You had me going there, I thought it was a note from you personally! WTF did i do now, i'm thinking!! lol

Oh well. i get jacked around like this from time to time. Heck, if a guy never does, IMO, he's not speaking his own mind! :)


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